A true Spirit watching over me and the boys..


Kissy Goddess
Hey - so... you all know about me movin' in to a new place, me and hubby splittin' up, right? Well, we had *the talk* with the kids (7 and 12yrs.). Alex, the oldest, took it pretty well - considering - and Joey cried his little eyes out :( It was phreakin' tough, let me tell you. So, anyways... we talked for about half an hour.. we all wound up crying, hugging and all that. (so there's that part of the story..)

About 5 years ago, I got an Angel music box from hubby - it plays *Glory in Excelsius* (something like that). It sits in my wallunit - which is all oak and has glass showcase all along the top where I put valuable items. This music box hasn't payed in almost 4 years, atleast. Not a note.

We all sat on the couch, huggin' and talkin' and dryin' away tears and stuff. We had a silent moment and just then - the music box started to play 5 notes....

Thanks to the Angel watching over us. We needed that.
I'm sure it will Aunty...
If not then the world is an even worse place than I thought it was ;)

Spirit said:
Can you special deliver that hug, Arris? ;)

DHL and the Italian mail service said they don't do hug delivery as they are too volatile for them to handle. Some OTC karma will have to suffice just now ;)
I had my share of weird things. Old texts that I considered trashed appearing in my bed, messages from people I didn't see for much time talking about things I was thinking, books that open on the exact page I should read, etc.:. I believe myself we have benevolent beings watching over us :). Your boys will be fine, Kate, I have much faith in you :hug:
Naw - I was checking out my karma and saw the someone gave me bad karma for my first post and then she signed it with rolly eyes and was too chicken to sign her name. But with the new way of viewing karma, I saw who. So I got all huffy and wrote something directly to her and decided it wasn't worth it, so I deleted the post :)
Lots of evil people in the world with all sorts of bizarre motivations.

Which reminds me. Gotta renew my Misanthropes of America membership card...