A vaccine


molṑn labé
Staff member
to stave off what we can already do. Amazing. :rolleyes:

SCIENTISTS will today unveil results from the first large-scale human trial into a vaccine for nicotine which could see people immunised against addictions to smoking within the next five years.
A Swiss pharmaceutical company will reveal the outcome of a six-month vaccine trial of 300 volunteers, all of whom were heavy smokers before receiving injections to counter the habit.

Addiction experts said last night that the closely-guarded results, which are to be set out at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s annual meeting in Orlando, Florida, were likely to be positive and could prove a watershed in the quest to introduce a nicotine vaccine.


Maybe next they'll start advertising a product which is less dependable than not doing the thing it is set to stop,.
Oh no you miss the real benefit of this development.

"your continued employment with our firm is contingent upon you accepting the anti-smoking shot"
You're probably right. I can just feel the socialism closing in around us :shudders: