A well regulated Militia


molṑn labé
Staff member
being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Shopkeepers and residents on one of Baghdad's main streets pulled out their own guns Tuesday and killed three insurgents when hooded men began shooting at passers-by, giving a rare victory to civilians increasingly frustrated by the violence bleeding Iraq

I'd seriously doubt that our founding fathers had todays meaning of "well regulated" in mind when they wrote this. In fact, regulation wasn't very popular amongst most of them.
The Americans have been known to shoot at fellow coalition troops ,just because they hear gunfire ,these militias are treading on dangerous turf.I'm sure the Military isn't too fond of having civilians with guns,thats why they've been paying to disarm .
The military is not involved with this & they protect our (and their) right to keep & bear arms. Who's paying to disarm whom?
The Iraqi population will not be disarmed.
Didn’t they turn the Afghani folks into a militia?
Gonz said:
I'd seriously doubt that our founding fathers had todays meaning of "well regulated" in mind when they wrote this. In fact, regulation wasn't very popular amongst most of them.

*sigh* Once again I see that it means what you say it means, regardless of what it says. Ask yourself this: If they didn't mean "well regulated" why did they put it that way?
The wording, and punctuation , of that entire clause, has long been subject to debate. I'm not sure that Farmers Brown, Jenkins & Smith, along with their sons, were a well regualted militia.
Or maybe the military was involded covertly with these people, and
it was regulated. :confused:

and now the rest of the story....
I always interpreted it to mean, well regulated as in not a lynch mob. A formal, organized and recognized body wholly answerable for its deeds. In other words, I could not get a couple drinking buddies together, go out and wreak havoc along the countryside, then kill someone and claim that we were a militia group acting in public interest.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I always interpreted it to mean, well regulated as in not a lynch mob. A formal, organized and recognized body wholly answerable for its deeds. In other words, I could not get a couple drinking buddies together, go out and wreak havoc along the countryside, then kill someone and claim that we were a militia group acting in public interest.
That's a fair analogy.
Gonz said:
The wording, and punctuation , of that entire clause, has long been subject to debate. I'm not sure that Farmers Brown, Jenkins & Smith, along with their sons, were a well regualted militia.

The meaning was and is clear. Subsequent debate of the meaning is the result of various politicians trying to twist the meaning to fit their own agenda. The "well regulated militia" had nothing to do with the "regulation" of firearms or the movements thereof. It was simply a way for a poor fledgeling republic to have a pool of men with a certain amount of military training that didn't need to be kept on the federal payroll but would be available in times of national emergency. The actual phrase "well regulated" referred to the plan in place to keep track of and call these reserves up in the abscence of cell phones, television and such. "Farmers Brown, Jenkins & Smith" were very much a part of it. We still have one, it's called the National Guard.

History; it's not just a word. :faptard:

BTW, does Iraq need a "well regulated" militia? Yes, I'm very much afraid they do.
That was truly eloquent.

S-n-P for federal appellate court bench!

How about the ninth circuit?
Winky said:
That was truly eloquent.

S-n-P for federal appellate court bench!

How about the ninth circuit?

I decline. No interest in wearing a black robe here.

Besides, my ties to a "hate group" (see avatar) would prevent my nomination from being approved. :lol2: