Aaarrrhh... revisited.


Too cute for words
Re Karma
A gentleman o' fortune said:
Karma be a user-gi'en ratin' point system. Each o' yer posts can be rated by any other user once, an' dependin' on how much karma givin' power they be havin', an' whether they selected t' approve or disapprove o' yer post, they will add t' or subtract from yer karma. A swabbie`s karma can give ye a general idee o' how they be generally perceived by th' board. If a swabbie has a high karma (green an' bstarboard green pips), 't could mean that they be very helpful, make very thought-provokin' posts, or be generally liked by th' rest o' th' users.
Ya scurvy dog!
Revisited? I neresaw this before! I love 't! I be so excited! I can write me own porn now!!!

He crept into th' bunkroom at dawn an' found th' lass' asleep in th' bunk. He quietly closed th' door tight an' keel hauled towards th' lass', watchin' th' lass' face in th' moonlight. He stripped off his clothes smartly an' slipped into bunk.

Arrrrr hooyah!!!
"That son of a biscuit eater th' American Minister o' Defense Rumsfeld, an' I won`t say shamelessly, on accoun' o' they dasn't know what shame means. These be criminals. Th' whole word can hear th' warnin' sirens. This criminal sittin' in th' White House be a pathetic criminal an' his Defense Minister deserves t' be beaten. These criminals lie t' th' world on accoun' o' they be criminals by nature an' conditionin'. They consider this a military site! Shame on ye! Ye will forerebe shamed! Ye be havin' ruined th' reputation o' th' American swabbies in th' most terrible way! Shame on ye! An' we will destroy ye!"


Havin' hit a wall, th' next logical step be nay t' bang our heads against 't.

Leslie said:
Revisited? I neresaw this before! I love 't! I be so excited! I can write me own porn now!!!

He crept into th' bunkroom at dawn an' found th' lass' asleep in th' bunk. He quietly closed th' door tight an' keel hauled towards th' lass', watchin' th' lass' face in th' moonlight. He stripped off his clothes smartly an' slipped into bunk.

Arrrrr hooyah!!!
:rofl: Arrrr
Leslie said:
Revisited? I neresaw this before! I love 't! I be so excited! I can write me own porn now!!!

He crept into th' bunkroom at dawn an' found th' lass' asleep in th' bunk. He quietly closed th' door tight an' keel hauled towards th' lass', watchin' th' lass' face in th' moonlight. He stripped off his clothes smartly an' slipped into bunk.

Arrrrr hooyah!!!

I'm guessing he took her up the Arrrrrrse.
I's so sexy when they talk technical:

A key part o' Synopsys’ reference flow be th' IC Compiler tool that anticipates th' manufacturin' process t' reduce random yield loss due t' particulate contamination. Usin' Critical Area Analysis (CAA) algorithms an' foundry-supplied data, IC Compiler analyzes an' reports areas in th' design that be most sensitive t' yield loss caused by random particles. Th' tool uses an automated wire-spreadin' methodology t' reduce total critical area while preservin' timin', power, an' other design constraints.
Ya horn swollgin' scallywag!
Whaddaya know? It's not far from the original:
Who lives in a pineapple under th' sea? Spongebob Squarepants
Absorbant an' yellow an' porous be he. Spongebob Squarepants
If nautical mischief be somethin' ye wish, then drop on th' deck an' flop like a fish.
Spongebob Squarepants, Spongebob Squarepants, Spongebob Squarepants, Spongebob Squarepants!