Access denide!

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Hey guys... long time no see!

I'm busy trying to out run the IT technicians at work who are busy following me from forum to forum... denying me access...

So I can't get on to PiL and may get my access denide here too... so if you've PMed me... or post a direct question in a thread to me... I ain't being a Bitch I just simply can't read it... i can't get access to the site!!!!

Aaaaahhhhh! My mate's access has just been denide to her forum... gotta go!

I feel like I'm on the run from the CIA or summit!

Viva la Resistance!

/me runs back onto thread panting...

They... they... haven't caught me here... yet! So far I'm safe...

Sad thing is I reckon it may be my mate Paul in Computing Management and Information Services... playing silly buggers! :eek6:

The Barsteward!
Quick, behind you, they're coming to take you awayho-ho,
he-he, ha-ha To the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time....
May I suggest that this ISN'T ribbing about grammar... spelling is for a start an elemant of punctuation!!!

Secondly... I have repeatedly mentioned I'm dyslexic both here and on other forums... so when you're repeatedly picked up on it then it becomes a matter of principle...

"Dance dyslexic! Dance!!!!!"

Thats what it feels like...

And thirdly... if someone takes the piss out of me in a very direct manner concerning personal matter (which was only a typo!!!!) I reserve the right to give them an "UP YOURS" with or without a mad smiley... whether it Freako or not!!!!
if someone takes the piss out of me in a very direct manner concerning personal matter (which was only a typo!!!!) I reserve the right to give them an "UP YOURS" with or without a mad smiley
I expected nothing less, Claire. ;)
and it is our prerogative to edit such posts. We all have bad days/weeks/months/years.
Leslie said:
and it is our prerogative to edit such posts. We all have bad days/weeks/months/years.

Good good... just so as I can argue the toss or call those who argue a tosser... :p

And yet it always seems to be MY posts that are edited... I wouldn't say I'm excessively vicious etc etc... maybe SOME people need toughening up.
You can argue anything you like in a reasonable manner. Name calling will be unacceptable, just as it is in Kindergarten.
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