Access Denied - Yourp password has expired

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
Attempting to access my win2k Pro machine from my win98 machine I get the message:

"Access Denied - Your password has expired"

how do I correct this?
Ahh... I have had this problem before. Hopefully you set up another account besides the Administrator account. Luckly I did. If you have more that one account on the machine you are going to want to log in safemode as the administrator. When you get to safemode you want to right click on my computer, then select manage. Go to the users section. Right click on the user of the expired password and then reset it. Also check the box "Password never expires" this will keep you from running into the problem in the future. Hopefully this helps!!
Thanks Leslie, I found what I needed and everything is working fine again. I just needed to click on the user name for my win98 computer and tick the "Password never expires" box. No need to use safemode as win2k wasn't affected, just my access from the 98 client.
I have never had that problem, only because the first time I saw that checkbox I thought, "Passwords expire?"

Well, I wasn't going to have any of that. The only real problem I ever had was getting the guest account to work, because it's disabled by default. I like Win2k, but my Win98 machine boots up faster.
Re: Access Denied - Your password has expired

Yeah, since i stopped all the logos and crap from starting up my win98 couldn't be faster. Win2k is a real pain in the butt sometimes, especially in the time it takes to connect across my network, but I don't get the crashes...