ACLU, white courtesy phone


molṑn labé
Staff member
Fri Feb 03 2006 09:24:48 ET

A woman accused of using racial epithets while waiting for food at a Connecticut Taco Bell drive-through window was arrested Wednesday.

Jennifer Farrelly, 19, of East Windsor, has been charged with ridicule on account of race, creed or color and second-degree breach of peace. Farrelly's boyfriend, Eric Satterlee, 22, of Ashford, was charged with breach of peace in the incident.

On Dec. 18, Farrelly and Satterlee became frustrated by the slow service at the Taco Bell restaurant on Brookside Place, according to an arrest warrant. Farrelly banged on the drive-through window and called the Taco Bell attendant, Jamelle Byrd, a racial epithet, according to the warrant. Satterlee allegedly cursed and banged on the window.

Farrelly denied using racial epithets when she was interviewed by police, saying Byrd caused the dispute by ridiculing her for parking her car far away from the drive-through window, the warrant states. Byrd's supervisor told police that Byrd should not have been working the drive-through because he had gotten into a similar incident with another customer, the warrant states.


Connecticut Constitution said:
SEC. 5. No law shall ever be passed to curtail or restrain the liberty of speech or of the press.
charged with ridicule on account of race, creed or color

saying Byrd caused the dispute by ridiculing her for parking her car far away from the drive-through window, the warrant states. Byrd's supervisor told police that Byrd should not have been working the drive-through because he had gotten into a similar incident with another customer, the warrant states.

Gee, have we found our problem?

Clue time, dickhead. You're working fast-fucking-food. You have zero space to ridicule ANYONE for ANYTHING.
Oh, come on, there are worse jobs than fast food service. There must be...

I was confused for a second... I read the story a bit too fast, I guess, because I thought the taco bell worker was a girl... silly me for assuming a name that ends in "elle" is a girl's name.
So it is actually against the law to call someone a name?

*Wonders where the best place in AZ to situate
Rebel Roost Western Division Headquarters would be...?*

How many Black folks have been jailed under these
laws fro sayin’ Honky er Cracker and such?