
100% Pure Canadian Beef
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they seem like a good organization, protecting freedoms and such, but i guess if you have an ideal you cannot choose your battles, they have protected nambla (bad) fought against prayer, and religious stuff on goverment property (bad, good, depends on your opinion) protect the rights of a student to have a biblical quote in his (her?) yearbook (can't see that as a bad thing, it was a personal expression).

so what do you think of them?
The basic idea of the organization is good... but it's gone downhill. They fight for pederasts' rights and athiests' rights, but it's rare you see them fight for Christians' rights or conservatives' rights.
12 May 2004 The ACLU announces a settlement with Stevenson High School in Sterling Heights, Michigan. The school had omitted valedictorian Abby Moler's submission for the 2001 yearbook because it contained a quote from the Bible (Jeremiah 29:11). The Michigan chapter of the ACLU sued the school on behalf of Moler, claiming that they violated her right to free speech. The school ultimately agreed not to censor yearbook submissions on the basis of religious or political speech.

so they don't avoid it. I guess it is all about free speech, no matter who is speaking.
Paul my friend you are mislead.
There is nothing good about the ACLU.
What ever they may have been in the past is a non sequitur.
What they are today is a bunch of commie bastards!
And should be SHOT, repeatedly!
Winky said:
Paul my friend you are mislead.
There is nothing good about the ACLU.
What ever they may have been in the past is a non sequitur.
What they are today is a bunch of commie bastards!
And should be SHOT, repeatedly!

1919 Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer claims that communist agents have constructed a plan to overthrow the American Government on November 7th, 1919, the second anniversary of the Russian Revolution. Palmer and his assistant J. Edgar Hoover arrests over 10,000 suspected anarchists and communists and holds them without trial, ultimately releasing all but 247, who are deported to Russia. These mass arrests become known as the Palmer Raids.
Jan 1920 Palmer arrests 6,000 more suspected communists and holds them without trial. He announces that the communist revolution is planned for May 1st as justification.
1920 ACLU is founded in response to the Palmer Raids. Roger Baldwin is named first director of the ACLU.

so no, they where formed to defend commies, lol

sounds like they are all american, defending the constitution against any and all challenges.
Nope they are about as Un-American as you can get!!!

Hell I understand your confusion there are really very few of U.S. that even have an inkling of what

American, is anymore!

"Gonz knows"
but HOW are they un-american, I can understand the distaste witht he whole nambla thing, but it was a free speech thing.
I'd have quite a challenge 'splainin' it
as first it would require a visceral understanding
of just what AMERICAN means.

It is funny cuz a real American just knows in his bonz
when something is right or wrong and doesn't needs a
laywer or the news media er anyone to 'splain it to him.
Winky said:
I'd have quite a challenge 'splainin' it
as first it would require a visceral understanding
of just what AMERICAN means.

It is funny cuz a real American just knows in his bonz
when something is right or wrong and doesn't needs a
laywer or the news media er anyone to 'splain it to him.

the problem is american A has different ideas of what is right and wrong than american B

and they are both REAL americans, but of cousre they don't consider the other a REAL amerrican
Um ah no
perhaps that IS a major source of your confusion

there IS right and Wrong

regardless of what A or B sez

America stands for what is right

and REAL Americans know the flippin' difference

I always told my Kid you don't have to follow the rules
(and I'm naught talkin' about laws er somesuch)
but the rulz of reality.

Ya gotta know them.
you can break em' but you can't plead ignorance
or go as far as the others and say there ARE no rulz or
think you can make em' up as you go along...

yep thar's right and wrong alright
paul_valaru said:
sounds like they are all american, defending the constitution against any and all challenges.

IMO, they defend the parts of the constitution they choose to endorse against any and all challenges. The rest they conveniently ignore. The same could be said of numerous organizations on both sides of the political aisle.

I happen to disagree with many if not most of the ACLU's interpretations. They have a right to exist, and a right to be heard. I just hold the opinion that they abuse those rights every chance they get. I ain't much for those who abuse their rights, particularly when said abuses infringe on the rights of others.
paul_valaru said:
the problem is american A has different ideas of what is right and wrong than american B

and they are both REAL americans, but of cousre they don't consider the other a REAL amerrican

American A thinks he is right at all costs.

American B thinks American A is wrong at all costs.

American C thinks they're both full of shit but has no idea why or what to do about it.

American D thinks A is right, B is wrong, C is a commie, and that he himself has all of 'em outsmarted.

Say hello to American Z...I know I'm right about some stuff, probably wrong about others, and the rest I have no idea about. Hence, I'll be at the Roost if anyone needs me.
Paul, I just lump them in with unions and utopia as a good idea that went far beyond their original mandate.
ok, all this is devils advocate stuff. Canada actually has laws against hate speach, I think it would even translate to stopping nambla shit.

anyhoo, what do they do to pick their battles? what have they turned down (besides never ever and refusing to touch gun issues).

I thought they jsut defended free speach no matter who is speaking and how distasteful it is.

and how have they overstepped their bounds, like unions have.
Professur said:
Paul, I just lump them in with unions and utopia as a good idea that went far beyond their original mandate.
yeah, they went beyond....waaaay out in left field.
They try to protect things they shouldn't, and do nothing for civil rights they should
be trying to protect.