Advertising with Google Maps


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Advertising with Google Maps

Advertisers are slowly discovering the potential of Google Maps, and some, like the Target store above (more at Google Sightseeing), are even enjoying some unexpected windfall. Poynter Online talks about realtors tapping into satellite imaging tools. Google Maps Mania is running a log on map hacks, some of them by businesses. Scavengeroogle is an armchair scavenger hunt based on the service - you too can have people looking for your brand landmark (like, again, the Target stores). Here's a how-to on integrating Google Maps into your website .


Some of the pictures Google maps uses are way outdated (The Save Mart Center at Fresno State was completed in late 2003 and the picture still shows the dirt pit that was the first part of the construction). Also, over my town, I can only zoom in to four or five steps away from the full zoom-in before I get the "we're sorry, we don't have pictures at this zoom level. Try zooming out for a broader look" message. Even at the max zoom level, it's so blurry as to be totally unusable.
YEah, the picture of my parents house is pretty old - I see my car in the driveway, only it's a car I owned for exactly one year in 2000/2001.