Aerosmith on A&E


Well-Known Member
just finished watching an Aerosmith concert on A&E. typical concert show in that they played a couple of songs and talked with the band. i enjoyed it because they played a lot of their old songs (same old song and dance, train kept a rollin, sweet emotion, walk this way...) played a few of their newer songs (jaded, the song from armegeddon...) too, but not many.
i though the band sounded incredible seeing as its a bit amazing they are still alive after all the substance abuse in their early days.
if you are a fan of Aerosmith, its worth it.
they are one of the bands on my 'must see live before i die'list that i have not seen. i've watched some of their live shows on the telly and i think that the sound great live....especially for a bunch of old farts :p....seriously, i will keep an eye out for the A&E show. thanks dave.