Afghans, U.S., U.N. Try to Salvage Constitution


Too cute for words
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan leaders met U.S. and U.N. officials behind closed doors Friday to try to end an impasse over a new constitution that has exposed ethnic fault lines and undermined Washington's vision of a strong presidential system.
I'm shocked. :blank:
The Western-leaning Pashtun, the country's largest ethnic group, has refused to water down demands for a strong presidency he feels is necessary to keep the war-shattered country together.
Can you say "power grab?" I knew that you could.
But compromises may have to be made to break the deadlock on issues such as the powers of parliament and the provinces, the rights ethnic minorities as well as the role of Islam in society.
You know, I wish this wasn't exactly what I expected. I wish I didn't expect exactly the same from Iraq. :shrug:
I think they should just give up on it as a bad job and let everyone fight amongst themselves without having to keep sending in the troops where they aren't wanted or neccesseralily (sp??) needed. After all they haven't got troops everywhere that there is trouble so why not leave these folks to it.

Oh yeah I forgot. The American troops like the glory after the British troops have done all the hard work.

Remember Pearl Harbour?

The US only came into the war after that yet they say that they won the bloody thing. Typical if you ask me.

Oh yeah and another thing. Is Bush sleeping with Blair? I honestly think that they are an item coz they have to do everything together and cannot make a decision on their own.

the confused one said:
The US only came into the war after that yet they say that they won the bloody thing.

We could have sat out the European version & you'd be speaking German.