Again....friendly fire


Apparent 'friendly fire' kills 18, Kurdish officials say

Sunday, April 6, 2003 Posted: 4:12 PM EDT (2012 GMT)

Kurdish special forces commander Wageeh Barzani was hospitalized in critical condition Sunday, after what Kurdish officials said was a friendly fire incident.


ERBIL, Iraq (CNN) -- A U.S. warplane attacked a convoy of Kurdish Peshmerga guerrillas Sunday in northern Iraq, killing 18 people and wounding 45 in an apparent incident of "friendly fire."

Most are from friendly fire...that needs to change, in a hurry.

The Pentagon (news - web sites) on Sunday identified a U.S. Marine killed in action in Iraq (news - web sites) three days earlier, bringing the total number of American casualties to 80.
I heard something on CNN today, didn't catch who said it, but he said the press should stop calling it "friendly fire." It's accidentally firing on your own people or allies. There's nothing "friendly" about it.
I read a LTE in the Telegraph from a UK soldier saying that US soldiers aren't properly trained in target recognition. After we count up our casualties in this war and realize that we caused most of them, that had damn well better change. :grumpy:
Squiggy said:
chcr, the military reference is always in terms of IFF (identification friend or foe).
I usnderstand that, I thought it was interesting coming from a military person.