Ah, I had a weird experience last saturday night,


New Member
I'm standing out side my local having a smoke, leanin` on a bus stop seat.. and I had this girl walk upto me, started calling me a shallow prick... c**t... all these names... because she had seen me in my "local" the last 4 weeks in row, and I was always with "hot skinny chicks" and was really yelling at me infront of everyone.

She was upset that I never came upto her and spoke to her... she wasnt an unattractive girl, a bit heavy but I didnt find her unattractive but what she said about a few of my close female mates was really insulting, even the not so "skinny" girls she called them annorexic (spelling).

What is with bigger girls being so anti-slim, like its a crime? seriously... her and me got into a discussion/arguement about this... she considered (average height) girls of size 8 and size 10 "unhealthy" and size 12/14 to be the size every girl should be.
whoa! a 10 is skinny?
*feels happy

seriously...she needs to get over herself...i would love to have a rail thin stripper body...but it ain't in the cards.
Shoulda shagged her, told her she had a gorgeous body but she was shit in bed........should stop her whingeing about why people all look/are more comfortable being different and worry more about her own self worth :)

As for anti-slim, it's just another modern day prejudice innit......some folks like being skinny or they'd be sittin' eating pie and chips all day like the fat kids :lloyd:
Oz has a good one. Another is to tell her mind her own fucking business & flick the smoke in her face as you walk away.
chcr said:
I kind of prefer "f*ck off and die." Short and to the point. :D

Indded :D (Gonz' idea works well too) but if someone calls ya a cunt in the street......imo yer gotta fuck em up bigtime :)
tonksy said:
whoa! a 10 is skinny?
*feels happy

seriously...she needs to get over herself...i would love to have a rail thin stripper body...but it ain't in the cards.

Rail-thin is *not* what I would look for in a stripper. I saw enough 'rail-thin' in Somalia to last me a life-time...
Just as a note size 8-10 in NZ would be 6-8 in America. And I would happen to agree with the girl, in that the average size for women in NZ is a size 12. (10 US) I'm size NZ 12, and not entirely happy with it, but I don't think that women who are NZ size 8-10 are anorexic, but it really depends on body size, type, height, and other factors.
Oz said:
some folks like being skinny or they'd be sittin' eating pie and chips all day like the fat kids :lloyd:

I'm not the thinnest person in the world, but I'm not huge either. Of course I'd love to be smaller, but I don't sit around eating pie and chips. My weight gain came from birth control pills and now i'm working on losing that weight. I agree that this girl is probably very insecure about herself but she has to get over it.
Uki Chick said:
I'm not the thinnest person in the world, but I'm not huge either. Of course I'd love to be smaller, but I don't sit around eating pie and chips. My weight gain came from birth control pills and now i'm working on losing that weight. I agree that this girl is probably very insecure about herself but she has to get over it.

The point I was [kinda] trying to make was that there is not a "right" or "wrong" size for a person......but a body will adapt and change to a person's chosen lifestyle. With the exception of medical and psychological reasons for dramatic weight gain/loss of course.

If a skinny person isn't happy being skinny.....there is nothing to stop em piling on the pounds to add a bit of padding, and vice versa :)
Oz said:
The point I was [kinda] trying to make was that there is not a "right" or "wrong" size for a person......but a body will adapt and change to a person's chosen lifestyle. With the exception of medical and psychological reasons for dramatic weight gain/loss of course.

If a skinny person isn't happy being skinny.....there is nothing to stop em piling on the pounds to add a bit of padding, and vice versa :)

I agree with that statement and no there isn't a right or wrong size for a person, unless you get to a size that is very unhealthy for you.
Uki Chick said:
I agree with that statement and no there isn't a right or wrong size for a person, unless you get to a size that is very unhealthy for you.

That would depend on the persons veiwpoint of life wouldn't it? Lets face it there are lazy unmotivated people everywhere.
The equation Minimum effort = maximum weight gain springs to mind.
Thing is, out of the group of girls she was talking about, the only one i've slept with is a size 12.
I think many big women are sensitive about it because there are very few images of big women held up as beautiful or sexy, and a lot of images of big women held up as unattractive and ridiculed. In light of that it would be hard to not feel a little angry sometimes.