Ah, the people on the Left are so wonderful, aren't they?


Well-Known Member
The Tea Party people say "We want to preserve the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and adhere to the Supreme Law of the Land" and the Leftists say "If you try, we will destroy you."

It seems that this guy wants to get his minions to steal the identities of the people from the Tea Party. What a wonderful fellow. Glad he is the caliber of teacher that is teaching our youth the way things really ought to be.

Give me one generation of your children and I will give you Communism.
-Vladimir Lenin


Oregon Teacher Panel Probes Educator Determined to 'Demolish' Tea Party

By Jana Winter

- FOXNews.com

A middle school teacher in Oregon who announced his intention "to dismantle and demolish the Tea Party" on his "Crash the Tea Party" Web site is under investigation by his state's Teacher Standards & Practices Commission.

Teacher Jason Levin is under investigation after his "Crash the Tea Party" Web site called on supporters to infiltrate anti government protests.

A middle school teacher in Oregon who announced his intention "to dismantle and demolish the Tea Party" on his "Crash the Tea Party" Web site is under investigation by his state's Teacher Standards & Practices Commission.

The investigation by Oregon's teacher licensing agency comes in response to a public outcry over Jason Levin's public statements that he'll do anything short of throwing rocks to bring down the Tea Party.

Levin, the media teacher at Conestoga Middle School in Beaverton, is the leader of a group that says it wants to infiltrate and bring down the loosely organized anti-big-government Tea Party movement.

He has said he would seek to embarrass Tea Partiers by attending their rallies dressed as Adolf Hitler, carrying signs bearing racist, sexist and anti-gay epithets, and acting as offensively as possible — anything short of throwing punches.

His school district is defending his right to free speech, but it's investigating whether he used district computers to spread his political message or worked on his Web site during school hours.

In a recent interview with Talking Points Memo, Levin said of his plans, “Our goal is that whenever a Tea Partier says 'Barack Obama was not born in America,' we're going be right there next to them saying, 'Yeah, in fact he wasn't born on Earth! He's an alien!'"

In a now deleted post on his “Crash the Tea Party” Web site, Levin called on his supporters to collect the Social Security numbers — among other personal identifying information — about as many Tea Party supporters as possible at the numerous rallies scheduled to take place on Thursday – Tax Day.

“Some other thoughts are to ask people at the rally to sign a petition renouncing socialism. See just how much info you can get from these folks (name address, DOB, Social Security #). The more data we can mine from the Tea Partiers, the more mayhem we can cause with it!!!!” he wrote.

The state agency is investigating whether this is a hint at identity theft, and whether it is appropriate behavior for a public school teacher. It also will investigate charges that Levin used school computers during school hours to work on his Web site. Levin works at Conestoga Middle School's media lab and teaches 6th, 7th and 8th graders about computers and technology.

According to the school district laws regulating teacher conduct, which are posted online: “The Beavertown School District rules involving teacher use of the district’s electronic system clearly state: The district's electronic communications system shall be used for educational purposes consistent with the district's mission, priorities and beliefs. Educational purposes do not include commercial use, use for personal financial gain or political advocacy.”

The investigation will be assigned to a case agent who will compile a preliminary report that will be presented before the commission. The commission members will then decide whether to charge Levin with misconduct or dismiss the case due to insufficient evidence, said Melody Hanson, the director of professional practices.

There are numerous factors that are weighed when considering disciplinary sanctions under state law, including:

--Whether the conduct was notorious or had negative effects on the public image of the school (public image could be an issue of contention in Beavertown, which was named the “Best Place to Raise Your Kids” in Oregon by Businessweek);

--the educator’s past performance;

--whether there was damage to students, other educators or the public;

--the likelihood of a recurrence of the conduct;

-- whether there is a danger that students will imitate the teacher’s behavior.

The earliest Levin’s case could be considered would be in August, since the commission meets only four times a year.

The Beaverton School District also is conducting an internal investigation to look into Levin's use of "work time and district equipment, and any other relevant issues," Maureen Wheeler, the district's public information officer, told FoxNews.com.

On Tuesday morning, the school district sent out a district-wide “media advisory” in which it declared its support of Levin. It described the teacher as a “leader of an anti-tea party organization” and called the controversy surrounding him a matter of free speech that should not be discussed with members of the press.

“What this teacher does in his private time is his private personal business. So when he’s not in school, that’s his personal time and there’s just not a lot we can do. This is an issue of free speech,” Wheeler told FoxNews.com on Tuesday.

The school district superintendent and several school board members deferred all questions to Wheeler.
Now Jim ... Stop painting with such broad strokes. Just because someone's a Lefty doesn't automatically make them a criminal. I'm sure there are as many Right wing ID thieves as Left wing.
All the people on the Left are a bunch of traitors!

From whence do you draw your certitude proffy-boy?
Teacher of the Year!!!! :rolleyes:

Teacher put on leave after threats to crash tea parties

PORTLAND -- A state board will investigate whether a Beaverton teacher was on his own time or using state resources while he organized liberals to crash Oregon tea parties.

On Thursday, Jason Levin was put on paid leave by the Beaverton School District.

Levin has gotten national attention for a "Crash the Tea Party" Web site that called for opponents to infiltrate the events and behave outlandishly. That raised suspicion he was doing political work during schools hours.

Beaverton School District spokeswoman Maureen Wheeler confirmed Levin was placed on paid administrative leave as of Thursday while they conduct an internal investigation into his actions during work time.

When asked for what reasons, she said “we all know what it is."

The Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission opened an investigation Wednesday.
The people on the Left should become victims of a pogrom

That’s right we need to get him back in the class room
indoctrinating them public middle school children
as soon as possible!
this is why you sent the kid to private school.

with all due respect, which ain't much, damned near all the public school teachers i've known or met are weenies.
The people on the Left are all a buncha sociopaths !

You get what you pay for
except when it comes to Government provided services
then you get crap! Wait till all your medical needs are
handled with the efficiency of the DMV!!!!
about 1/2 of my teachers were pretty good, the other half couldn't answers
the question they were asking, if they hadn't had the teacher's manual with the answers.

Although I didn't make very good grades in school (mostly from not doing my homework)
I seem to have retained more than some of the honor students I say years later.
They are dumber than stumps now, except in the main field they decided to career in.

My best tachers were in math, science, agriculture, band, one in literature, and one in english.
History, foriegn history, art, and several others, not so much.
Kill all the Lefties!

America spends more on education than any other country in the Universe
and every year we turn out a shoddier product than the previous year.

Then again the fault doesn’t lie solely with the NEA.

What with the nappy headed Negros and the non-english speaking illegals
they have to deal with, there really ain’t a hellava lot they CAN do now is there?