Ahhhh, crap


molṑn labé
Staff member
The machine has been acting up lately. Nothing major, just little shit like taking many seconds to open a file instead of *bang, boom, open*. It won't even run a CHKDSK...it gets to part 2, 14-16% & freezes. Try to start in safemode & the last line says ....MUP.sys & nothing after that. Hell, even the floppy PowerMax won't load.

I finally got an ISO of the Maxtor diagnostics program & it ran. The 90 second test says do the long test. The long test says "Sucker, this pup is fading fast". Somehow, by luck, the warranty is still in effect. They'll "advance replace" it...

They've always been better than BFG at this kind of stuff. I hope they don't notice I didn't put the wrong VGA fan on it ;)

First the job, then the GeForce, now this & next week, I become a Teamster. What have I done do deserve such ill treatment?
That's my Critical Stop sound right now - Aaaaaaaah CRAP!!!

You found a job fast, and you're getting an advance replace over haha you're fucked wait 6 weeks...could be worse :p
It really could be worse. Had somebody who (against my advice) continuously runs without a UPS from an outlet that's run through a wall switch. She keeps hitting the wall switch and blowing components.

Popped her third hard drive in 1 year a couple weeks ago. It's gotten so I just keep a bakup around here for her. The lady's in her 70's, so it's unlikely to change.
It could always be worse but then what would a BBS be good for if life was all wine & roses :D