ahm a soul man!


New Member
got three degrees now ;)

ris bsc barch mphil :D

i had my viva this afternoon and i got my masters!
my turn to get bitch slapped into submitting mine now

well done ris - you deserve it and you know im utterly green with envy:beerdrnk: :barfonu:
Originally posted by L. Summerton
When you've finished your masters you get :whip: :D

Not from me, but well done anyway, rissole. :hairbang:

How's it looking on the job front?! :erm: :D

oh crap, i forgot i'll have to get one of those :D

i still got a contract at the uni for another 6 weeks which gives me a little time. i'm going to have to get onto the website, cv and portfolio quite fast :)

i do have some scandinavian contacts though, so perhaps it won't take as long as i think