Al-Qaeda in gay rape horror


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Defence Editor

EVIL al-Qaeda chiefs are raping young male converts to shame them into becoming suicide bombers, it emerged yesterday.

The intense social stigma and fear of more gay sex attacks leaves Muslims prepared to die.

The warped new tactic was revealed by a reformed Algerian militant. Abu Baçir El Assimi said: “The sexual act on young recruits aged between 16 to 19 was a means to urge them to commit suicide operations.”

A 22-year-old had suffered sexual injuries before being shot dead on a suicide mission in Tademaït, Algeria, three weeks ago. Samples taken from his body are being analysed in a bid to identify his torturer.

And the US military discovered two years ago that al-Qaeda were dishonouring women in Iraq to turn them into suicide bombers. A terror leader would marry, then let another man rape his wife.

It was also revealed yesterday how a 51-year-old woman militant had recruited more than 80 women as suicide bombers.

Samira Jassim, who calls herself “the mother of believers”, targeted the weak and troubled. Arrested after a tip-off, she admitted orchestrating 28 successful bombings.

Experts believe al-Qaeda’s sick tactics may be a sign of desperation. One said: “Perhaps they are running short of potential martyrs.”


National inquirer stuff ... 'cept there's a writer's name. Anyone else carrying this story?
Given the over the top homophobia of muslim extremists I find it unlikely but some fanatics will certainly do anything for the cause. :shrug:
typical ultrafundamentalism covering for either internal gay conflict or tiny penis syndrome. these things go together.

a love for authority? an inability to think beyond the rules as laid out by the giant phallus many millenia ago? it's almost certainly...

teeny weenie
wanting the weeny in the mouth and/or up the backside

the evidence is obvious.

look at all these blowhards like osama bin laden and ted haggard.

why we even have some examples here, who talk a big macho liberal-bashing game, yet spend a curious amount of time hanging out around the same sex restrooms of their local superstore and highway rest stops.

Similiar. And just as Evil.

A WOMAN suspected of recruiting more than 80 female suicide bombers has confessed to organising their rapes so she could later convince them that martyrdom was the only way to escape the shame.

Samira Jassam, 51, was arrested by Iraqi police and confessed to recruiting the women and orchestrating dozens of attacks.

In a video confession, she explained how she had mentally prepared the women for martyrdom operations, passed them on to terrorists who provided explosives, and then took the bombers to their targets.