Alarming Sex Assault Rate Found Among Vets


New Member
(CBS) For a soldier, the wounds of war can be felt long after a tour of duty ends, CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reports, and not all of them are inflicted by the enemy. Tuesday, researchers reported that an alarming number of female soldiers have sought treatment for sexual assault committed by fellow soldiers.

A Veterans Administration study found that one in seven female veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan seeking medical care from the VA suffered sexual trauma - everything from harassment to rape.

Medical records of 125,000 war veterans, both men and women, showed 15 percent reported sexual trauma. That works out to nearly 2,600 veterans, almost all women.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg, since the study covered only a fraction of the 870,000 veterans who have fought - and none still on active duty.

"I do feel that it is much higher than that, and if they could get the records of all the women that have returned that had been sexually assaulted, those afraid to come in, they would find that it's a lot higher," said Wanda Story.

Story, who was raped twice during her military service 20 years ago, now heads the United Female Veterans of America.

She says the military has done a lot to improve the climate for women, but war makes it worse.

"They're out there, they're away from their families, they're away from their girlfriends, you know, their wives," she said. "They see an opportunity."

A recent survey by the Government Accountability Office of just 13 military bases found 103 servicemembers who say they've been sexually assaulted in the previous 12 months. Numbers like that produced this jaw-dropping statement by Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif.:

"Women serving in the military today are more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than to be killed by enemy fire in Iraq," Harman said.

And women who suffer sexual trauma are more likely to develop medical and mental problems. Studies show it ranks high - or higher - than combat as a cause of post-traumatic stress disorder.
It's funny how storys that disparage vets gives you tingly feelings up and down your leg, but you can't say one bad thing about terrorists. Interesting.
Why would you think I get a tingly feeling? I'm actually quite horrified.

Kinda just making things up as you go along huh?
Terrorists suck. But so does rape.

Apparently you guys think that if terrorists suck....rape is good?

What's the logic here?
I wonder how that corresponds to the civilian rate...and, if you notice, it takes things like harassment and classifies it as assault. This whole thread is nothing but flamebait...
more people bigger numbers.
That's the way stats work.?(

now % is different

As said before though, gotta have something to compare it to.
A study among college women has shown that 1 out of every 5 college age women report being forced to have sexual intercourse. (1995 National College Health Risk Behavior Survey) 22% of all women say that they have been forced to do sexual things against their will, where only 3% of men admit to ever forcing themselves on a woman. (Laumann, 1994)


So the military rates are on average, it seems.
Forced to do sexual things against their will .... now there`s a subjective line if ever I heard one.

Her: No, I've got a headache tonight
Him: Aw, C'mon, baby ... don't leave me with blue balls ..
Her if it'll shut him up Alright, just be quick

Forced? according to that line, Yup. But not exactly blood and tears, tho.
Forced to do sexual things against their will .... now there`s a subjective line if ever I heard one.

Her: No, I've got a headache tonight
Him: Aw, C'mon, baby ... don't leave me with blue balls ..
Her if it'll shut him up Alright, just be quick

Forced? according to that line, Yup. But not exactly blood and tears, tho.

Well the article said

A Veterans Administration study found that one in seven female veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan seeking medical care from the VA suffered sexual trauma - everything from harassment to rape.

So it is rather subjective as well.

So the military rates are on average, it seems.

Yeah. I already knew that. I was going to post that story myself until I looked at what they considered sexual assault.

BTW...sexual harassment can be anything the 'victim' wants it to be...from hearing a word to seeing a picture thay think is inappropriate (including women in bikinis or men without shirts).
Yeah. I already knew that. I was going to post that story myself until I looked at what they considered sexual assault.

BTW...sexual harassment can be anything the 'victim' wants it to be...from hearing a word to seeing a picture thay think is inappropriate (including women in bikinis or men without shirts).

even joking about SH is considered SH.