Alcohol adds...for the kids


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever notice that pretty much all alcohol adds are directed at teenagers. Comedy, the primary angle of most alcohol adds is completely immature almost always focusing on getting laid or being cool.
Thats just because you're getting older and sliding out of the demographic target sweet spot. Its constantly getting younger and younger as a matter of sheer perspective.
yuuup! But I'm too busy being old and feeding the ducks to care.

PuterTutor said:
Yeah, todays music sucks too, doesn't it?

Not all.

I agree with Hex. I think that one of the reasons that this happens is because the alcohol companies think that teenagers are easily influenced into drugs, thats why they do it.
At least that people are speaking out against the tobacco companies :D
hats just because you're getting older and sliding out of the demographic target sweet spot. Its constantly getting younger and younger as a matter of sheer perspective.

Wait as second...does that mean that i'm maturing? I've got to call mom, she'll be so proud!
lacemyster said:
I agree with Hex. I think that one of the reasons that this happens is because the alcohol companies think that teenagers are easily influenced into drugs, thats why they do it.

They don't think it, they know it. Make them drunk while they are teens and they'll probably buy from you til the day they die.
unclehobart said:
yuuup! But I'm too busy being old and feeding the ducks to care.


Unc, I like, totally see myself in that pic 40 yrs. from now! Its hilarious, but I mean, why not, its cool?:D
That reminds me of a joke i heard on Paul Harvey some years back. Two old fellas(like in the picture) go for a swim at the beach one day but before going in they each take out their dentures and set them on a log. One of the old men decides to play a joke on his buddie and swaps the dentures. When they're done swimming his buddy grabs what he thinks are his dentures and struggles getting them in place. Then he mutters "damn things never fit anyway" and throws them in the ocean. So the first guy picks up the other pair and says "screw it" and tosses them in to.

That supposedly actually happened.
Professur said:
And why, exactly, would they take their dentures out to go swimming?

C'mon dude, like when one of the brothers sees the fin of a great white approchin', an' tells the other, an' they both yell, "SHARK"!!, they don't wanna 'ave to go back after their dentures in a moment of panic, riskin' death.........ofcourse.:tardbang: :D
Why would alcohol companies target 40-year-olds in their ads? After all, by that time they're already drunkards who have chosen their favorite brand. When you're 13 you haven't chosen a favorite brand yet... supposedly.
Where are their parents? Gone you say? Indifferent? Weak? Indulgent? Spoiling? No wonder they they seek 'cool' self destruction @9.
twas in a bad part of London, forget where now, but it was BROAD DAYLIGHT and these 2 punks who i am sure weren't 10 yet were smokin a benson each like ol pros and drinkin a can o beer in paper bags!
And I bet you skirted around them when you walked past too, didn't you?

I would have.
Ain't touchin no ones kids, next minute the parents'd come out of nowhere and belt ya or you got a lawsuit on yer hands :/