Alex's Horse Show


New Member
Alex's Horse Show
I am so proud of my daughter today. I had to get up SO early this mornig after tyring to sleep all night with the mischevious cat and the flatulant dog. Needless to say, that did NOT go well. We got up, got Alex all ready including "fluffing" her hair up and then curling it which took about 45 minutes. Then we went to the store and got some donuts and snacks for later in the day. We drive the 45 minutes to the barn and Alex's hair starts to flatten and get ratted. Her dad and step-mom show up late, again and finish getting her into her riding costume and get her hair fixed to be braided (we have to fluff it before it will go into the braid) and under her helmet. For the first time she competed in a horse show WITHOUT a trainer leading the horse. She was in a walk trot class and was the youngest girl in the group. She took third place, but she really did much better than that. She was on the correct diagnal the entire time, even after the reversal and she stayed out of the way of the other riders and held her composure very well after the horse she was riding, Mr. T., tripped. I am so proud of her. She has worked SO hard and it really showed today.

I have so much mommy proudness right now.
I'm not gonna get in trouble again.....last time you said yer age I thought you were 6 years older :blush:

I think life experience tends to do that to you Lissa, when I got run over it made me do a lot of growing up quickly......I'm guessing what happened with you had the same effect....
Gettin runned over made me realize that I could die at any time and I went out and enjoyed myself by acting really stupid. Then I got smart and realized that what I was doing was NOT how I wanted to spend my life. I think that is a lot of growing up to do in only a matter of months. That and having a child at 18. :D
PrincessLissa said:
Alex's Horse Show
I am so proud of my daughter today.
God I love hearing parents say that!!!
after tyring to sleep all night with the mischevious cat and the flatulant dog.

I am so proud of her. She has worked SO hard and it really showed today.

I have so much mommy proudness right now.
