All I wish


New Member
Being bored one day,
I start to realize,
how horrible my childhood was,
then I dose off
and I suddenly go back in time.

Back to when I had longer hair,
back to when I was teased and bullied,
and when I had glasses.

now I remember it all.

My life changed when I was very young,
and it sticks with me to this day,
this is something, that I fear,
will never go away.

In my dream I see,
the unattractive, younger me,
scared to face school,
knowing that it would be another day of hell.

And those kids,
they all knew why I was different,
and teased me every chance they had.

Everytime I was bullied,
rage and hatred filled my blood,
then at night I shed tears of acid,
that ripped through my heart,
and tore up my soul.

I used to think that I had nothing to live for,
except sit in my room and cry,
nobody cared about me,
or even tried,
I just wanted to rot and die,
and not go through any more of the pain.

Because I was different,
I was often judged,
"freak", "ugly", "half brained girl",
were the names they called me.

The only part of me they noticed,
was the ugly duckling they thought was me,
swimming a line with other ducklings,
and the beautiful swan in front,
knowing that I would never be the beautiful swan.

Then I wake up,
and look around me,
I seem to be back in 2003,
and I compare to then and now,
some things have changed.

My life is better now,
but I still want to be reconized,
for my beauty,
and achievements,
but there is one thing that I want more than anything,
something I've wished for my whole life,
and that is to be respected for who I am,
and someday telling my secret to the world,
that I am an autistic.

The End

Please give me your opinion :D
i always love reading your writings, lacey :headbang:
i didnt know you're autistic, but now i do.
i relate to much of your poem, what with the parts about being bullied and ugly.
i huggle thee! :hug:
I wish I can say life will get easier, but at least some adults are mature and sensitive enough to grow out of the "bully" stage.
yeah - most adults are .. except for my sister, of course .. ku'u can tell you all about her ... :D

lacy - you're quite talented .. :)
This really touched me Lacey... you have a great talent with words. Thank you for sharing it. :headbang: