All you danged furrennurs look in here, please.


Too cute for words
Saw in the shoutbox where Justin is fixing dinner. Well, I do that pretty often, even though my culinary skills are minimal at best. One of our favorite dishes that i make well is a hamburger steak (big burger, at least 5 inches in diameter after cooking)(13cm for you metric folks) with sauteed onions and mushrooms. Is this strictly a US delicacy, or do other countries like it too? Just curious. :D
:lol: i was actually taking her out for dinner :D got back just now.

and oh yea mate, meat is my thing, i'll eat anything once you call it meat :D pork, beef, chicken whatever :D love a good burger anytime!
It's a hamburger STEAK. You make a really big hamburger, smother it in sauteed mushrooms and onions and gravy....and pretend it's a steak under there :D BBQ sauce on steak is just redneck. :p
if you need BBQ sauce or ketchup or A1 or whatever on steak, it wasn't cooked right...hamburger is meant to be covered
Don't insult my barbequing skills!!! i LIKE barbeque sauce on steak and it cook it accordingly!!! *handonhip
You have to make them right - half a pound of lean pork mince to one pound of steak mince bound with egg yolk. Plus the seasoning has to be right. My mum's are to die for... :D