
Stop Laughing

New Member
I broke out in hives Sunday from something and I haven't figured out what caused it yet. My dinner Saturday night was chinese food (a little of everything) and I tried a tequila shot. I'm trying to find info on allergies and what would cause it, but I don't see any allergies to tequila (boy, if my social life isn't bad enough, I don't need that) but it could be the chinese food. I do eat chinese food about every 2 months or so, I don't really care for it all that much. From what I've read about reactions to MSG (additive prevalent in chinese food), it's all nausea and stuff like that, hives aren't in that list. The only other thing is if there was something on my aunt's cat that caused it, but I really doubt that. I know unc's allergic to probably half the stuff out there, any ideas? Anyone else get reactions and never figure out what it is? It has since died down and is almost totally gone, antihistamine cream worked great on it.
Did the Chines food you ate have any shellfish in it perhaps?

The reaction may have been to that if you had any. Shellfish allergies could set in at any time really - lots of people eat shellfish all their lives only to have a sudden reaction one day. Basically it's your body's immune system reacting to a food source which it mistakenly perceives as being harmful. Once it's been classified as harmful your body creates specific antibodies to it, so when it's ingested again your body releases massive amounts of histamine to protect itself.

The food may also have contained peanuts or traces thereof (peanut oil etc) or other nuts such as walnuts or cashews commonly used in Chinese cooking - that may have caused the reaction.

Best to have it checked out by a physician just to be safe in future.

As for myself, I am not allergic to anything, but have heard my sister, who is a radiographer say I should be very careful if I ever again require a scan that requires the use of iodine or radiocontrast material (I had to have some bone scans done a while ago as I have a tumor growing on the cartiledge in my left knee) as allergies to iodine can set in without prior notice and might cause contrast-related anaphylactoid reaction, so one would require some shot to prevent the reaction (I think it's a cortosone or summin, not sure - I have to admit I wasn't really listening).
gotta watch that chinese food - never know what your eating... :lol2:

codeine and sulfa allergic to here.....only broke out in hives once and the more I scratched them the bigger they got, but not to scratch was the hardest. Benedryl helped take the itch away, and they disappeared the next day???
whoa.....allergies must suck :( Luckily, I don't have any (or if I do, I ain't discovered 'em) :)

I do have a friend who goes all knobbly if he eats a banana tho' :eh:
If it's green and pollenates, I'm allergic to it.

SL, the only way to know for sure is to go to an allergist, shell out some cash, and have 'em do a needle test. An hour of pure fun!
I'm sensitive to many detergents. Damn near tore the skin off my back before we figured that one out.
That test is as Homelan stated...about 1 hour of torture. Especially if they do the skin test on your back. Been there, done that. I'm getting shots now, hoping to build my resistance.
Gato_Solo said:
That test is as Homelan stated...about 1 hour of torture. Especially if they do the skin test on your back. Been there, done that. I'm getting shots now, hoping to build my resistance.

Did shots for two years. It helped some, but not completely. The only cure that I know of is to move away from the source of the irritation.

The problem with that is that I actually like where I live.
You really do need to get a allergy baseline from a doc. Most health insurances really aren't all that cooperative as it usually costs upwards of $1000 to get an initial baseline. The only other way is to break down the components of what you had in the 12 hours prior to your attack and test them on yourself one at a time... which is time consuming and is hard to pull off.

Did you feel funny during the attack, i.e. queasy, racing heartbeat, light headed?

Full blown histamine reactions feel like your blood pressure is going through the roof... but quite the opposite is happening. Your blood pressure is falling through the floor. If you find yourself in a major attack and hiving out all over, lay down on your back, raise your legs, and cough like mad. It keeps your blood pressure up and your brain oxygenated. Your fear of dying adrenal reflex will pull you out of it in about 10-15 minutes because your natural adrenaline makes your blood pressure spike and help supress allregic responses. Of course that is only after you get some form of help. Your type of reaction seemed very mild.

The irritating aspect is that sometimes you have two lesser allergies that are harmless apart... and yet become explosive when mixed.

MSG-soy based
alcohol- fermentation process mimics mold and triggers those kinds of allergies. poor kid...

he's allergic to grasses, msg (apparently soy then), molds (prolly alcohol will set him off then), crayfish family of foods...and has a propensity to allergies to chocolate. hell I may as well do him in now, there goes almost all the joy in life :tardbang:

and $1000 :eek: *glad I live here*
Leslie said: poor kid...

he's allergic to grasses, msg (apparently soy then), molds (prolly alcohol will set him off then), crayfish family of foods...and has a propensity to allergies to chocolate. hell I may as well do him in now, there goes almost all the joy in life :tardbang:

and $1000 :eek: *glad I live here*

So much for the vegan diet, eh? Don't worry too much about it. Sometimes children grow out of allergies. If you know, 100%, what's causing the allergies, then that's already 1/2 the battle. If you can, try and invest in a "bee sting" kit. I've got one, but I've never had to use it.
Yeah, mine aren't bad enough to necessitate an Epi pen, just bad enough to make me miserable 8 months of the year.
Considering the mildness of the attack, I'm not going to spend an hour in pain and a couple of paychecks trying to figure out what it is, I'll just stay away from chinese food unless absolutely necessary (which basically means no changes). My mother thinks it may be something else like pineapple in the sweet & sour sauce because that's a food I don't like and don't eat often (the last time I know I ate pineapple was on a ham at my grandfather's house a few years ago, you can sneak anything by me on ham :D ).

I was worried about the bee sting allergy when I was little since my father is allergic to them and almost ruptured his appendix when he was a child, he was lucky to be in the hospital with a broken leg at the time that started to hit, he could've died. I've already been stung a few times, no reactions from me except the screaming :eek:, but my brother has never been stung, and bees scare him to death because of it.
I was allergic to bananas as a kid...hives and all...I broke out twice in a matter of days and the only thing I had similar were, I had the skin test done and sure enough...few years later I had it again and I'm fine now.
Nixy said:
I was allergic to bananas as a kid...hives and all...I broke out twice in a matter of days and the only thing I had similar were, I had the skin test done and sure enough...few years later I had it again and I'm fine now.

I am 'allergic' to bananas, peanut butter, doughnuts, soup, zucchini and milktart by choice ;)