Allied warplanes start the 'unofficial war'


Well-Known Member
Britain and the United States have all but fired the first shots of the second Gulf War by dramatically extending the range of targets in the flight-exclusion zones over Iraq to soften up the country for an allied ground invasion.

Allied pilots have attacked surface-to-surface missile systems and are believed to have hit multiple-launch rockets.

Targets hit in recent days include the Ababil-100, a Soviet-designed surface-to-air missile system adapted to hit targets on the ground, and the Astros 2 ground rocket launcher with a range of up to 90 kilometres. These would be used to defend Iraq in the event of an invasion or to attack allied troops stationed in Kuwait.

Britain and the US insist publicly that the rules for enforcing the flight-exclusion zones over the north and south of Iraq have not changed - pilots open fire if only targeted. But defence officials admit privately that there has been an aggressive upping of the ante to weaken Iraqi defences ahead of a ground invasion.

Analysts confirm there has been an intensification of what is known as "the undeclared war".

The allied action will prompt allegations that Britain and the US have unilaterally changed the rules of the flight-exclusion zones. These zones were established after the last Gulf War to protect Shiites in the south and Kurds in the north.

John Warden, a retired US air force colonel who was an architect of the 1991 Gulf War air campaign, gave a taste of the change in tactics when he said: "We have added a new category of targets, and those were some of the Iraqi multiple rocket launchers and some of their relatively short-range surface-to-surface missiles."

Loren Thompson, a defence analyst with the US Lexington Institute, said: "The US military is taking advantage of the no-fly zones to prepare the battle space for war. There's been a sporadic war occurring in the air over Iraq for a dozen years now. This merely ratchets up the intensity."

The intensification of the Anglo-American attacks is likely to be seized on by Iraq, which has long complained that Britain and the US have abused the flight-exclusion zones.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Analysts confirm there has been an intensification of what is known as "the undeclared war".

This is misinformation & I'm getting tired of it. The Gulf War never ended. saddam signed a surrender treaty full of provisions that allow hostilities to resume if he doesn't comply. He hasn't. They have.
Gonz, I don't think the UN ordered those strikes. And, under the agreement, its the UN's call. Not ours. That would make us a rogue element....hmmmm...
Besides, I still am not satisfied that they haven't complied. The missles in question are being destroyed and I don't see them as WMDs anyway. Why don't you just stop beating around the bush and say you want to kill Sadam regardless of circumstance. We (America) are really starting to look like assholes in all of this mess...Its disgusting.
Yes I believe it was UN res. 686...I was watching this on Discovery the other day. there were 5 or 6 terms..that's all, really...and language about no fly zones...

the terms were pretty reasonable...annexation of Kuwait was rescinded, pow's returned, financial liability on Iraq's part to Kuwait...

...and..cessation of all hostilities AND provocative actions....

11-1 vote with 3 abstentions....

terms accepted.... is a UN call on THAT account....

I suspect the UN is irreparably has no teeth...

Here we go again with the thousands of UN resolutions that are ignored and the USA's right to selectively enforce a few on our own.... :rolleyes:
I have an idea... Let us all just ignore the U.N. and do what we want. That way neither side can use the U.N. as an excuse.
The moronic part is us using it as a reason and an excuse at the same time...Funny how once the UN resolution argument stopped holding water, all the right wingers want to escape the UN blanket that put us in this discussion in the first place. If you want to kill people regardless of circumstance, at least have the balls to say so. Quit looking for some moronic 'reason' to justify your willingness to kill.
Yes, Gonz. There are MANY UN resolutions that have been many other countries...
Squiggy said:
Yes, Gonz. There are MANY UN resolutions that have been many other countries...

oh, ok...wasn't clear on the context.
I'm not even sure why there IS a process of resolve in the UN.

As Squiggy points out, there are thousands of ignored resolutions...why does anyone bother? No one really seems to be "united" at the United nations anyway...

plus the French have a veto and a permanent seat....

man, if THAT'S not a red flag.....

We should kick France off as a permanent member and put Israel there. That is, if we can't get rid of the U.N. completely.
outside looking in said:
Saddam needs to be taken out, regardless of any UN violations or WMD's.

Clear enough?

Yes. Now if only the rest of our right wing participants would stop looking for shields of permission or justification, the subject could proceed. As long as we recognize it as US aggression I'm fine. I think its a worthy aggression.

Stop looking for shields? NO PROBLEM

Stop looking for permission? NO PROBLEM!!

Justification? Already have that

Recognize US aggression? NO PROBLEM! I mean, we are mobilizing forces.
umm... the very definition of permanent sorta makes it tough to remove them.

1000 of ignored resolutions? Thats simple psychology. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Always has, always will.
I don't think I've looked for a shield of permission or justification. I'd like the UN along for the ride, it is thier war after all, but as I've said all along, somebody has to do it.
No Jerrek. You do NOT have justification. Anything you want to PRETEND is your justification would point to us attacking elsewhere. Not Iraq.
Squiggy said:

Always was. The UN okayed it in '91 but whose coalition was it? Who had the majority of soldiers? It would be nice to see the UN have the backbone to follow through on their own resolutions. With or without the UN, the US will take the brunt force of combat. Remove saddam NOW.