Alright you lazy stinking bums


molṑn labé
Staff member

Los Angeles' policy of arresting homeless people for sitting, lying or sleeping on public sidewalks as "an unavoidable consequence of being human and homeless without shelter" violates the constitutional prohibition against cruel and punishment, a federal appeals court ruled today.

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 decision, decided in favor of six homeless persons, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California. The suit challenged the city's practice of arresting persons for violating a municipal ordinance, which states that "no person shall sit, lie or sleep in or upon any street, sidewalk or public way."

LA Times

:laugh: or :crying5:
Gonz said:

hmmmm well they don't have anywhere to live so public places would be better than private ones i guess...

i've noticed a considerable rise in the homeless around my home city in the past few years.
Funny...i wonder...I read a book about a couple of homeless dudes that used to sleep on the courthouse steps autumn in order to be arrested for the winter so that they would have shelter from the cold and meals served.
I lived 4 blocks from the waters edge in Venice Beach & spent a lot of time in Santa Monica. The homeless were, by & large, choosing to live that way. They preferred bumming around, drugs &/or alcohol to getting a haircut & a job. I tried very hard to be concerned. They, carrying more cash that I did, put an abrupt end to that.
My line(s) of work have brought me into contact with a lot of homeless folks. I don't have a cure-all for the epidemic.

Yes, some folks are homeless by choice. Some of those are addicts, and I have little personal sympathy for them. Some of them are not addicts...just prefer that lifestyle for whatever reason.

Some are homeless through no fault of their own. I could relate many such tales, but I won't. Suffice it to say, these folks get more help from me. I do not give them money; I go out of my way to assist them with agencies that will help them.

Many are mentally ill to varying degrees. That's a double whammy sometimes. I've helped some find housing as part of my job. A few gave every effort to make it. Some of those did, some didn't. Many blew it with drugs, booze, medication noncompliance, whatever. Back to square one.

None of us have a guarantee that we won't end up homeless. Despite our best efforts, it can happen. Therefore, I am a little reluctant to shoot them.

It's one of the few problems in this country for which there is no feasible solution I fear.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Some are homeless through no fault of their own.

These are the ones who deserve our support & assistance. Unfortunately, in a quick meeting, it's hard to tell who's befallen by a bad streak vs who's made a bad streak. Just like everything else, the few that need help are overridden by the lazy & professional victims.
yeah they are all krazy fer sure

they should all git with the program
and pursue FIOS, SUV's and mortgage payments

damn nutcases
“We are being left behind,” said Bill Haynie, who lives in Sycamore Hills and outside of the fiber-optic network. “The consumer’s sitting there going, I feel like I live in Communist Cuba – I’m forced to take what they give me.”

The Hanna-Creighton neighborhood – beset by vacant lots and decaying homes – is on track to be among the first areas in the Midwest to have Internet service that at its slowest download is 89 times faster than a traditional dial-up modem. At its fastest, the fiber-optic network is 536 times faster. But Sycamore Hills – which surrounds a Jack Nicklaus-designed golf course and where the median home price in the area is $246,000 – will go without.

Local story about the
wealthier denizens complaining the poor get FiOS but they can't :rofl3:
The wealthy ones are a minority, everybody knows that. If you sell to the poor you'll have more revenues.
Maybe I missed something, but how did we get from discussing the plight/blight (depending on your wiring) of the homeless to a buncha suburban uppities bitching about internet connectivity?
SnP said:
Maybe I missed something, but how did we get from discussing the plight/blight (depending on your wiring) of the homeless to a buncha suburban uppities bitching about internet connectivity?
Winky screwed it up,AGAIN
SouthernN'Proud said:
Maybe I missed something, but how did we get from discussing the plight/blight (depending on your wiring) of the homeless to a buncha suburban uppities bitching about internet connectivity?

We do call this place OTC :D
city of seattle spends something like $54k per year per homeless person.

i don't disagree that some homeless (e.g. menatlly ill) could use some help but for fuck's sake, can't they get a cut-rate deal on some cots?
2minkey said:
city of seattle spends something like $54k per year per homeless person.

i don't disagree that some homeless (e.g. menatlly ill) could use some help but for fuck's sake, can't they get a cut-rate deal on some cots?

You can blame that on the influx of Californians during the 1980's and 1990's. Those whiney bastards drove up the cost of just about everything...they also turned the state into a liberal "Eden". I watched it happening. It wasn't pretty, either. Blue collar jobs disappeared faster than snowballs in Miami...