Am in the only republican that's bothered by the idea that Bush...


Well-Known Member
...can't seem to put a sentence together without pauses and uh's up the ying yang. One might draw the conclusion that he doesn't seem to have answers. All joking aside, we all know he's always had a strange vocabulary but in the past say, after 9/11, he spoke with ferver and determination. What's happened?
perhaps the long and drawn out nature of the last few months has made it hard for the speeches to be consistent - there is a great deal more questioning and that relies on more than just good speech writing.
How about an answer from an independent with heavy libertarian ideals yet is scared to death of the Libertarian Party.

6 months from the speech at the UN...1 gazillion questions...can't leak information or tip his hand...not sure where he stops & Blair begins...hillbilly. :shrug:
Insofar as I know, the man has a dyslexia in the mental transition of word structure. I'm thinking that a lack of sleep and high stress would aggravate it.

But I'm no Republican either, so I guess I'm relegated to the sidelines on this one.
I think I'd have to attribute it to the stress, the secrecy situation, and the fact that new questions are being thrown at him all the time. You have to be very careful in that situation.
Don't buy it. He was fine for months after 9/11(massive pressure and media whores swarming like flies on shit). I think he's lost faith in the path he's chosen and he's being pressured not to stray. I'm not talking about Dick chenay either but a force of men convincing enough to sway even Colen Powell. Listen to me i'm starting to sound like Squig.
HeXp£Øi± said:
I think he's lost faith in the path he's chosen

That is certainly how it looks.

When 30, 40, 50% of the worlds population is bitching, it'd be hard to be certain of anything.
a conspiracy eh? i figure its his accountants - all this war for oil will put his share value up and they want a fat slice of the action.
I say hes inept. The only time he has shown any intelligence or ability has been in his cheerleading...