ambassador bremer....friggin idiot!


New Member
Ambassador Bremer is a fucking idiot yes man from jump street ! Says things only Bush wants him to say. Like Iraq is totaly secure.......thats why people die everyday in Iraq . The last thing is Iraq is secure. He's just another clueless bastard like the rest of the Bush team. Everytime I hear this retart he says something that is so far out of the truth that you have to laugh at it. Today for example 6 british miltary men were killed. He says we have the country 98% secure this was just a out burst that is under control. Look how stupid that statement is. Lets face it The bush team even before this war telegraphed this war from the first day Bush was going to run for president and had no plans for reconstructing Iraq. As like now and before The war, the reasons, and all the lies were all bullshit from the start Bush and his daddy poo wanted their hands on the richest oil fields in the world. Now they have a shit eatting mess on their hands and its only going to get worse as the days go by. This is only the begining of the horror for Bush and his croneies. Bremer is a joke ....someones unwanted brother-in-law! He's clueless and Iraq before long will be another veitnam ..we will be leaving with helocopters off the roof of the embassy! Like I said in the begining of this war ."if we win what do we win?" Bush wins oil fields , hallibuton gets richer, and we get deeper in a ecconomic crunch that we may not survive! Look at all the signs they'er there and soon even the strongest Bush supporters will jump ship! Its happening right now ...fleshmen quit and just have others done in the past year. Wait till the senate starts on Bush i said in previous posts he will be in need of a pardon before he leaves office! Have a nice fucking day!
It would be nice if you used paragraphs; it might make your rant a little easier to read.

You DO realize that almost all the oil Americans use comes from the western hemisphere and not Iraq, right?
bremer seems to be doing a better job than general wotsisname who was there before.

not seen any claims iraq is secure but then the brit press is quite cautious on iraq. certainly baghdad and other cities aren't any where near secure. i heard they don't have electricity restored in baghdad yet either, and water and fuel is scarce :(
You DO realize that almost all the oil Americans use comes from the western hemisphere and not Iraq, right?
I see this all the time, and it completely misses the point, I'm afraid. Just because America doesn't use the oil, does not mean American held compnies with large overseas holdings do not. Everyone seems to think that if they don't sell it here, it doesn't affect America.

Sorry, maybe that was a little off topic.
Of course price fluctuations in one region of the world would ripple across all of them, just as an orange crop failure in California due to a late freeze would make Florida oranges get more expensive. My comment was mostly aimed at people who talk about others "driving their 10-mpg Ford Excursions burning all kinds of Iraqi oil." They actually burn Gulf of Mexico oil. :D
everyday another u.s. death!

June 27th...........another u.s. soldier was killed i said everyday someone is killed in iraq. We don't belong there! And remember according to Bremer....this country is 98% secure!
Re: everyday another u.s. death!

Well, how many Americans are killed in America each day? How many British are killed in Britain every day?
:retard: Thats some really fuzzy logic Ink...The proper question would be, "how many Iraqis were killed in America or England today?"
How about Mexicans or Chinese in America?

And my "fuzzy logic" is in response to the prior fuzzy logic that just because someone dies each day means we don't belong there. Whether we belong there or not is a separate argument; but he seemed to be saying that we don't belong anywhere where someone dies every day. People are shot every day here at home too, and it's safe to say we're a good bit less than 98 percent secure.
I believe what hes saying, Ink is that we shouldn't be there in the first place so these lives are being lost senslessly....
Squiggy said:
I believe what hes saying, Ink is that we shouldn't be there in the first place so these lives are being lost senslessly....

At this point in time, it doesn't matter. Folks like me are in the AOR because we've been ordered to be here. Even if you don't like the politics involved, you should at least support us while we're here. Although that last sentence was not directed at you, Squiggy, others who post here should take notice. It's not about politics at this point. It's about people. As for the main 'rant', I have this to say...If you think you can do a better job, then post something helpful...not another line of flame-bait. ;)
Even if you don't like the politics involved, you should at least support us while we're here.
I agree 100%! I don't like the politics. I've felt from the beginning that we were being lied to about the reasons for action. I don't believe we'll ever know the real truth. That doesn't alter the fact that the troops are simply doing their duty and deserve our support. As for a better job, I don't know. It does seem like what's being done currently isn't working very well. The only two viable alternatives I see are:
A) Step on their necks until they capitulate. (Not very palatable)
B) Get the hell out and leave them to their own devices. (Partly how we got into this situation in the first place)

I don't know about you folks, but I don't really like either one. Our biggest problem, and I've said it before, is that people keep expecting them to think like us. They can't, they have no frame of reference and thanks to the fanatic missionaries that seem to follow our troops with the governments tacit approval, they fear us. Saddam is gone, but it's still a capital offense to convert from Islam to another religion. Everyone does understand this, don't they? Obviously not.
So many quotes, so little time. This thread has the earmarks of a whine fest, no crackers. I'll start here:

chcr said:
people keep expecting them to think like us. They can't...

Whata bigoted thought process that the west has about those in smaller, less industrious & wealthy regions of the world. Why does it take a westerner to think that freedom is a natural state? Just because some old dudes in the 18th century decided to actually put into text the sentiment that
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Why is that presumed to be a western philosophy? These people have been collectively shat upon for eons & their main concern is survival. Is Israel & America the true enemy or are we a threat to the power base of the mullahs, who poke sticks in the festering wounds of the downtrodden & tell the masses that the stick is Jewish & colored Red White & Blue?

Given the number of middle easterners who come to this country (or live in Israel in peace), with little to no hatred in their hearts & many, if not most, having a true understanding of how fragile the freedom that we hold dear is to the pursuits stated by the US Constitution, and the simple fact that those who are continuing the battle are from the power base & not the average Muhammad (who seem to actually understand & enjoy our presence), it appears to me that FREEDOM is closer than you think. So is the thought process that all men have.

* not construed to call CHCR a bigot

Preamble said:
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Why is that presumed to be a western philosophy?
Because western countries are generally the only ones who espouse it.
I'm not saying they can't be free, I'm saying without massive reeducation they can't really understand what freedom is. As far as they're concerned, we're just the next ruler. I think the idea that that can be changed in four or five years is laughable at best. I hope I'm wrong, but I really don't think I am.
Squiggy said:
I believe what hes saying, Ink is that we shouldn't be there in the first place so these lives are being lost senslessly....
I dont agree with that statement at all. Saddam should have been diposed the first time and we (the coalition of Britain, America et al) should have supported the Shia uprising when we instigated it. This would have saved a lot of time and effort this time round. And I'm not totally naive as to believe that this attack wast totally about WMD or as I call them Weapons of Mass Distraction as thats aht they were invented for, to distract public interest away from the real reasons behind the assault......