Amendment one


molṑn labé
Staff member
as seen by the Democrat National Convention.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or allowing the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, unless it proves to be harmful to the leftist cause; or the right of the people to riot outside the RNC, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances if a Republican or other conservative is in office but not a Democrat.

Democrats worry big media threaten democracy

WASHINGTON (Hollywood Reporter) - When the Democratic Party takes up its platform next week at the presidential nominating convention in Boston, one of the planks it will consider is media concentration.

While the one-sentence statement is buried deep in the 41-page document, its supporters contend that it is a recognition by the party that big media is becoming a threat to democracy.

"Because our democracy thrives on public access to diverse sources of information from multiple sources, we support measures to ensure diversity, competition and localism in media ownership," the proposed platform plank states.

It's not BIG MEDIA. It's politicized media. They can't even get this right.

The dems want to crush the media because they feel picked on. So let give all the stations to the segments of the populace that won't do it...

The repubs want to crush the media because someone might say 'shit' in a rock and roll song causing respectable god-fearing white women to faint...
The religious right can just stfu. The Dems on the other hand didn't complain about big media until conservatives quit getting pushed around.