America-Hating France Rewrites History of WWII



Just how much does cowardly France resent America for saving it from its collaboration with Germany's National Socialists? This much:

"French history books mention Omaha Beach in a single paragraph, and the Marshall Plan no longer appears at all. In 10 years, it seems entirely possible that America's pivotal role in liberating France will be unknown to French pupils."

This is just one of the remarkable revelations in one of the best articles we've seen in months, "French and German Socialists Threaten European Prosperity." Yes, it's long, but you owe it to yourself to read this extraordinary analysis.
Oh boy.
It's just the dumbing down affect. Our own students aren't taught what I/we took for granted.

My test to see what is learned, I use the Mason/Dixon Line. I've yet to come across a student, in the last 6 years, that has any idea what that represents. Sad commentary on history class in the 21st century.
Isn't that some line between two states? I remember reading about it, but the names of the state escape me. Damn... time to start brushing up on my history.
Squiggy, we were taught how the Army slaughtered the Indians, of course, AZ has a large native American population so it's kinda hard to hide.
I was never taught that in school. I had to read the truth elsewhere. According to my history books, Custer was an American hero. Truth is, he was a monster.
I never really looked into Custer, but he got an asskicking & why he's ever been considered a hero is beyond me.
we learned THAT they did it, and HOW they did it....

....among other methods, weapons of mass

...and we learned that in 8th grade.

Newsmax has proven to be a ridiculous source of news. Didn't they make some large blunder just last week?
I challange you to find a Scottish kid who doesn't know what "the Wall" is.

And it's not in Berlin, either.
My wife was telling me about a guy she works with who is pissed off right now becuase his 15 year old daughter is being taught that the holocaust was not as bad as everyone says it was, that most of the stories about the concentration camps were made up or exagerated. Why can't they just teach our kids the truth instead of trying to sugar-coat everything?
I'd be pissed off too. That's crazy. I'd be on the phone screaming about that teacher.:grumpy:
I don't know. My daughter came home last year and announced that the moon landing was all just a conspiracy, and that we never actually went there. :retard:
Since when are the teachers allowed to teach their opinions as fact?
PT, if my kid came home announcing that crap, I'd be on the horn to the school board so a matter of fact, I have had a few discussions with principals, and board members...I've authored a couple rabid letters too.:grumpy:
I did, it turns out it was a lesson in learning to distinguish between fact and fiction, and how conspiracy theories start. It was incredible the level to which she believed it though. I think she was pretty upset when she learned the truth.
These are among the reasons that homeschooling is looking more like a go than every before. Teachers blame the administration, the administration blames the pols, the pols blame insufficient taxes.

How did they get thru life with 1st through 12th in the same classroom?
PuterTutor said:
I did, it turns out it was a lesson in learning to distinguish between fact and fiction, and how conspiracy theories start. It was incredible the level to which she believed it though. I think she was pretty upset when she learned the truth.
Apparently the teacher did a pretty poor job of expalining the fact that some of what she was talking about was indeed fiction.
Kinda makes me wonder too, if that's what she was really doing....and if you make a big stink, it just sounds like your kid was not paying attention...
Blame Fox Broadcasting for the moonlanding conspiracy....They put on a good arguement for their position. It makes you wonder.