American Bully Mob attacks a peaceful individual on international flight.


Well-Known Member
Another Terrorist Attack on a peace loving Nigerian traveler by bigoted American facist fundamentalist bully's.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was attacked by an angry mob of Americentrist knuckleheads while he was just minding his own business on an international flight from Amsterdamn to Detroit, Muslimville.

We have no idea why this guy, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was lighting fires/explosives on an airplane. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab reports he was doing it for Al Quedalla, but we don't really believe him at this point.

At least he wasn't targeting Abortion clinics as part of the notorious Right-wing TeaParty cabal of terrorist.


Merry Christmas
Paging CAIR to the white courtesy phone.
Move along folks, nothing to see here. Just another "man-made disaster" averted by quick-acting folks.

Nigerian arrested in failed plane attack claims links to al-Qaeda

A Nigerian man, claiming to be linked to al-Qaeda, allegedly tried to set off an incendiary device aboard a transatlantic airplane Friday as it descended toward Detroit's airport in what the White House called an attempted act of terrorism.

The suspect is Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, a federal official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing. ABC News and NBC News reported that Abdulmutallab, 23, attends University College London, where he studies engineering.

Although not on the TSA's "no-fly" list, Abdulmutallab's name appears to be included in the government's records of terrorism suspects, according to a preliminary review, authorities said.

Abdulmutallab has told federal investigators that he had ties to al-Qaeda and traveled to Yemen to collect the incendiary device and instructions on how to use it, according to a federal counterterrorism official briefed on the case. Authorities have yet to verify the claim, and they expect to conduct several more interviews before they determine whether he is credible, the official said.

Federal authorities have been told that Abdulmutallab allegedly had taped some material to his leg, then used a syringe to mix chemicals with the powder while on the airplane, one official said.

But doing so "caused him to catch on fire," Richelle Keepman, who sat a few rows in front of Abdulmutallab, told WDIV-TV.

Another passenger on Flight 253, Syed Jafry of Holland, Mich., told the Detroit Free Press that he noticed a glow three rows ahead in the Airbus 330, then smelled smoke. The next moment, Jafri recounted, "a young man behind me jumped on" Abdulmutallab.

Video : Suicide Bomber thwarted in Detroit.

Hmmmm. In another time's forgotten space Richard Reid got a life sentence for a similar attack. What will this loser get? Stay tuned.
AKA obama's "My Pet Goat" moment.

And where is he? What is more important than this country's national security? He's usually in front of a camera every 20 minutes. Now he decides to duck? Uhhhh, don't bother him. He's playing golf in Hawaii.

Obama defenders try to explain president's absence after failed terrorist attack

Many are asking why President Obama has not stepped in front of cameras he has become so accustomed to and personally address the nation regarding Friday's foiled attack on Northwest Flight 253 en route from Amsterdam to Detroit. Surely a president would want the nation to know what his direct thoughts are when a terrorist suspect like London-based Nigerian national Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab tries to ignite a bomb on an airplane bound for the United States.

President Obama Terrorist Not A Threat

If it wasn't clear to President Obama supporters in the past it is clear today, when it comes to terrorist attacks President Obama is a weak leader.

Rather than appearing on camera to reassure the public that everything is under control the president has decided to work out in the gym and play golf while vacationing in Hawaii.

The president may think his nonappearance will be more reassuring but it will most likely have the opposite effect. It also will send the message to other terrorist that President Obama is not President Bush and will not take these terrorist attempts seriously.

To most Americans this is the wrong direction for this president to be taking and is nothing less than a sign of weak leadership skills.

Since President Obama has taken office this is clearly the second terrorist attack whether the president believes it or not. is absolutely intolerable and inexcusable for the country to come under attack and the president say nothing for two or three days.