American Politics


100% Pure Canadian Beef
so we have Bush, who supposidly lied about WMD and invaded iraq casue it made his dad popular (but not re-elected).

and we have Kerry who tells these amazing stories about all these things it turns out he never did.

and that is all I have learnt about these canidates, based on what I read in the papers, and of course here on OTC.

I think I figured out the problem!

No one is saying "my canidate is good" all they are saying is "your canidate is worse".

and what are the issues, and where do these guys stand on the issues?

If Kerry is elected, what happens with Iraq? he just pulls out? not likely.

If Bush is re-elected, what is he promising to do?

what ever happened to the real issues, like healthcare, welfare reform, etc?
Good question. I think it's far easier for the candidates to slander each other than it is for them to actually stand up and take a stand on the issues. Bush has taken a stand on a few, unfortunatley they are issues he really doesn't want the entire country knowing about, nor does he want to brag about them. Kerry, I really have no idea what he stands for. If you think here and the news is bad, you should see the commercials each of them have put on TV.
paul_valaru said:
what ever happened to the real issues, like healthcare, welfare reform, etc?
real issues? this is politics and they are politicians...they don't care, they'll say whatever they think you want to hear and then ignore it once elected.
PuterTutor said:
Good question. I think it's far easier for the candidates to slander each other than it is for them to actually stand up and take a stand on the issues. Bush has taken a stand on a few, unfortunatley they are issues he really doesn't want the entire country knowing about, nor does he want to brag about them. Kerry, I really have no idea what he stands for. If you think here and the news is bad, you should see the commercials each of them have put on TV.

I get those commercials

Kerry stands for whatever is popular at the moment, he reminds me of the school slut, sleeping around to be popular.

But Bush reminds me of that one kid, that had to get his way cause his dad was rich.
Only a Canadian would lead with helathcare as an important political matter. Healthcare is available to every single American. Some can afford better. Fair enough.

The 1995 Contract with America handled Welfare Reform & it seems to have helped.

As for your topic, there hasn't been a President wannabe that took a stand on anything & won since...before I was born. The average Joe doesn't care enough to pay attention until after Labor Day & by then it's all mudslinging. The 20% or so from each end of the platform are the ones that set up the candidates. They usually end up being idiots.

The last President I voted FOR was Reagan.
so basically you (the general population) either votes on who mudslings best, or they go dem or rep, jsut cause that is the way they always vote?
paul_valaru said:
so basically you (the general population) either votes on who mudslings best, or they go dem or rep, jsut cause that is the way they always vote?

Welcome to the downside of a two-party system.

FTR, I won't be voting for either one of these schmucks.

edit - unless one of them can teach me to type.
paul_valaru said:
so basically you (the general population) either votes on who mudslings best, or they go dem or rep, jsut cause that is the way they always vote?
Sadly enough, since I started voting it has almost always been a vote to decide between the better of two evils.
HomeLAN said:
Welcome to the downside of a two-party system.

we have more than 2 parties

we have liberal (screwing up our country now)

Tories (used to scrw up our country)

Reform (Wants to screw up out country)

and the bloc (wants to dissolve our country)

But we know where they stand on the issues, and the mudslinging is kept to a minimum (except the reform, but they are a bunch of wackos)
As bad as the 2 party system is, it does beat the living hell out of the one(or none) party system & causes much less turmoil than the multi-party system.
Yeah, at least we can pick the lesser of two evils instead of having one evil run unopposed.
Gonz said:
As bad as the 2 party system is, it does beat the living hell out of the one(or none) party system & causes much less turmoil than the multi-party system.

In NZ we have MMP, and multiple parties. We still suffer a bit from the two-party syndrome, but the smaller parties hold the larger parties accountable, so no one party can rampage around parliament.
Would it work in a country of nearly 300 million citizens? Doubtful. In many ways that is why the Democrat Party has lost it's heading. It has gone from a national party to a group of splinter cells who are only (or mainly) interested in their own agenda.
The Republican Party has an enormous agenda. The difference is, most of the (R)s are on the same page.
For some reason that I can't quite grasp, the candidates I always would vote for get beat in the primaries before I get a chance to vote (Indiana has a late primary). In 2000, John McCain. In 2004, John Edwards (or possibly Joe Lieberman) (EDIT or Howard Dean).

I know I put in a second reply to this, but now I don't see it. Let's try again.

Gonz said:
Would it work in a country of nearly 300 million citizens? Doubtful. In many ways that is why the Democrat Party has lost it's heading. It has gone from a national party to a group of splinter cells who are only (or mainly) interested in their own agenda.

I still want to see it tried. While I don't want to go to the extremes of the Italians, for whom switching gov'ts is a national sport, there has to be a better system than this.

Won't happen, though. The average American doesn't have the balls to vote independent. Even those who actually bother to vote have been convinced by the powers that be that voting your mind is "throwing your vote away".
You never know, though... enough people might "throw away their vote" in protest that the third-party guy could win. Just ask Jesse Ventura.