It seems as though I was wrong.
Since before becoming a mod at Xibase & since the beginning here, I fight for free speech. Liberals, conservatives, confused, democrat, republican, libertarian, socialist, fascist...everybody had a say & a place to say it. I spent many hours in heated battles over this. Ocassionally I was overriden. Generally I got my way. Which meant you got your way.
8,10,12 forums. Each dedicated to a different interest. One or two dedicated to the interest of no interest (or every interest) whatsoever. With exceptions, those were kept benign. One forum, however, was less polite. It even had a warning. The warning has changed, several times, each getting progressively more adamant about the warning. This forum is about politics. It's about religion. It's about abortion. It's about the news of the day. This forum let you say what you wanted to say. Damn the torpedoes...
This forum never let you get away with crap. Somebody always disagreed with something someone said. Almost without fail. The only rule that got enforced was the rule stating no personal attacks. You could call an idea stupid. That left the original presenter to either reinforce the reasons for their opinion or to get swayed. We weren't allowed to call the presenter stupid however. Seems fair.
In these matters one could, and often did, bring forth additional evidence to back thier case. Another opinion to illuminate the path in which one achieved this opinion. Sometimes being a smartass, sometimes humor. Any number of methods were used to convince those opposed or in disagrgeement that there is another way to look at any particular subject.
Consider the alternatives. A forum where someone brought forth an idea. The next person agreed with the idea & said so. So did the next three or four. All of the sudden someone came along who didn't agree yet in fear of reprisal (bad karma, taunting, koralling, banishment) they chose to say nothing or even worse they chose to underplay thier thoughts. They were intimidated to go against the grain. Better to subdue than to be honest?
Not in my world.
That is where it appears I have been mistaken. I assumed that people could look at both sides of an issue & debate. I assumed people have the ability to use their mental capacity to bring forth strong opposing thoughts, desires, beliefs & still walk away friendly. I assumed we were all of approximate equal intelligence. I assumed we were all of approximate equal emotional equalibrium. A former member & I used to spar like rabid cats & dogs. While this was going on publically we were actually laughing with each other using the PM system, concurrently. I assumed this was normal.
As it turns out these assumptions are apparently incorrect. People don't seem to want freedom to speak as they wish. That or they wish others not have that same freedom or they wish it until they realize they may have their safe little bubble upset by someone and they leave in a huff. Too bad really.
So I apoligize. I am sorry for assuming everyone is a prepared, able minded, emotionally stable adult.
Since before becoming a mod at Xibase & since the beginning here, I fight for free speech. Liberals, conservatives, confused, democrat, republican, libertarian, socialist, fascist...everybody had a say & a place to say it. I spent many hours in heated battles over this. Ocassionally I was overriden. Generally I got my way. Which meant you got your way.
8,10,12 forums. Each dedicated to a different interest. One or two dedicated to the interest of no interest (or every interest) whatsoever. With exceptions, those were kept benign. One forum, however, was less polite. It even had a warning. The warning has changed, several times, each getting progressively more adamant about the warning. This forum is about politics. It's about religion. It's about abortion. It's about the news of the day. This forum let you say what you wanted to say. Damn the torpedoes...
This forum never let you get away with crap. Somebody always disagreed with something someone said. Almost without fail. The only rule that got enforced was the rule stating no personal attacks. You could call an idea stupid. That left the original presenter to either reinforce the reasons for their opinion or to get swayed. We weren't allowed to call the presenter stupid however. Seems fair.
In these matters one could, and often did, bring forth additional evidence to back thier case. Another opinion to illuminate the path in which one achieved this opinion. Sometimes being a smartass, sometimes humor. Any number of methods were used to convince those opposed or in disagrgeement that there is another way to look at any particular subject.
Consider the alternatives. A forum where someone brought forth an idea. The next person agreed with the idea & said so. So did the next three or four. All of the sudden someone came along who didn't agree yet in fear of reprisal (bad karma, taunting, koralling, banishment) they chose to say nothing or even worse they chose to underplay thier thoughts. They were intimidated to go against the grain. Better to subdue than to be honest?
Not in my world.
That is where it appears I have been mistaken. I assumed that people could look at both sides of an issue & debate. I assumed people have the ability to use their mental capacity to bring forth strong opposing thoughts, desires, beliefs & still walk away friendly. I assumed we were all of approximate equal intelligence. I assumed we were all of approximate equal emotional equalibrium. A former member & I used to spar like rabid cats & dogs. While this was going on publically we were actually laughing with each other using the PM system, concurrently. I assumed this was normal.
As it turns out these assumptions are apparently incorrect. People don't seem to want freedom to speak as they wish. That or they wish others not have that same freedom or they wish it until they realize they may have their safe little bubble upset by someone and they leave in a huff. Too bad really.
So I apoligize. I am sorry for assuming everyone is a prepared, able minded, emotionally stable adult.