an opinion from those to the right of OTC

Palin, like Bush, doesn't have to just fight the Democrat contender. She has the (D)'s, the 24-hour press and, in the case of Palin, most of the blue-bloods of the Republican party.

Is she a truly viable candidate? Not likely. Too many negatives from those who want professionals, not base-line. The press has visciously attacked her since the beginning.

We can get Romney. The ken-doll tanned professional who has already proven his willingness to lay-over for politics. (see the Mass healthcare debacle)

We can get Newt. The silver-haired professional who has proven his willingness to lay down his life for deal-making instead of standing his ground.

Palin is the only true conservative with national name recognition. Pence? Jindal? Steele (rofl)? Daniels?

Someone will have to come out of the shadows. Otherwise, we're looking at another progressive with an (R) attached to his/her name because people won;t stand up for true beliefs. They want hope & change - some more.
Palin is the only true conservative with national name recognition.

and an assurance that we will elect democrats for the next 20 years beyond her?

give us somebody viable. please. otherwise we're stuck with obama or worse for a long time.
I don't see us being stuck with him, if it's a fair election....if there Is another election.

Of coarse I didn't think Clinton would get a 2nd.:blank:
The problem you all keep running into is that your gov't is full of politicians when you need it full of leaders. Unfortunately, you've let the lawyers and bankers get powerful enough that only a politician can make it to power. Take a good look at the military ... Generals get people killed ... sergeants keep them alive. You're up to your neck in Lieutenants and Captains ... middle men who's greatest responsibility shouldn't extend further than logistics ... you've no idea who the Generals might be, and your sergeants are hamstrung by red tape.
Yeah, I think the Banking elites took too much power in this country
during the Andrew Jackson admin, and we haven't really been able to get
the people we need since then.

We've gotten lucky a couple of times since then an gotten a few that were
acceptable, but not necessarily the Best.

Anyone the isn't mostly on board with playing ball with the Big money, are
destroyed personally in the media, and in life possibly.

Big money Rules. Make no mistake.
And so McCain is still kickin' while Ted and Murtha are belly-up.

How's that hopey-changey thing working for ya?

can't help notice the conspicuous absence of commentary on the referenced thread.

ok then here's a direst comment......

Polls can reflect just about anything one want them to reflect, depending who is polled.
Do we have Names of the polled?...I don't see them.
I'd like to see a break down of profiles on the people polled.
um, right.

the poll was just a topic starter in that thread. no need to spew your disbelief in polling methods.

READ the thread and then comment. notice the opinions presented by the forum members. notice that the forum itself is maybe kinda sorta right wing in orientation.

um, right.

the poll was just a topic starter in that thread. no need to spew your disbelief in polling methods.

READ the thread and then comment. notice the opinions presented by the forum members. notice that the forum itself is maybe kinda sorta right wing in orientation.


I did read it.
And I didn't "spew disbelief". I just noted that there are several components
that have to be considered to make a poll viable.

Now...the poll was the subject of the thread.
Palin was the subject of the poll, and I'm figuring that is to what you are referring.

Personally I agree with many of the responses.
IMO she isn't an electable candidate, for reasons I've mention over and over here,
and which I won't mention farther in repetition.
I just don't feel like looking all sexist atm.
I'm just lounging in the Christmas spirit until after Christmas.
right. if you criticize a woman, you are sexist.

so if you criticize a black person, you are racist. like, um, who could imagine criticizing a guy like michael steele without racist motivations LMMFAO...?