An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away


Well-Known Member
What a wonderful new "right" has been found by the Brits. I wonder if the kids also have the "right" to have help achieving their orgasms. Can they elicit the help of an adult; or do they have to only have their orgasms with people their own age; or only by themselves?

NHS tells school children of their 'right' to 'an orgasm a day'

NHS guidance is advising school pupils that they have a "right" to an enjoyable sex life and that regular sex can be good for their cardiovascular health.

By Roya Nikkhah
Published: 8:30AM BST 12 Jul 2009

The advice appears in leaflets circulated to parents, teachers and youth workers and is meant to update sex education by telling students about the benefits of enjoyable sex.

The authors of the guidance say that for too long, experts have concentrated on the need for "safe sex" and committed relationships while ignoring the principle reason that many people have sex.

Entitled Pleasure, the leaflet has been drawn up by NHS Sheffield, but it also being circulated outside the city.

The leaflet carries the slogan "an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away". It also says: "Health promotion experts advocate five portions of fruit and veg a day and 30 minutes' physical activity three times a week. What about sex or masturbation twice a week?"

Steve Slack, the director of the Centre for HIV and Sexual Health at NHS Sheffield, who is one of the leaflet's authors, says that instead of promoting teenage sex, it could encourage young people to delay losing their virginity until they are certain they will enjoy the experience.

Mr Slack believes that if teenagers are fully informed about sex and are making their decisions of their own will in a loving relationship, they have an equal right as an adult to an enjoyable sex life.

Anthony Seldon, the headmaster of Wellington College, which recently introduced classes in emotional wellbeing, said the leaflets were "deplorable".
OMG, next thing you know dogs will marry cats and the dead will rise and zombies will rule the Earth!

I would discourage youngsters (and many immature grown-ups) from having sex, for many reasons- STD's, risk of pregnancy, etc. But masturbation is a good thing! They used to call it "self-abuse", and some still do. It got me through puberty with sanity intact- a perfectly harmless outlet for all those raging hormones. It relieves stress and enables young scholars to "clear the mind", so they can get on with their homework. Wasn't one of our US Surgeon Generals fired for encouraging masturbation? I think she should have gotten a medal! Medical studies have proven that daily masturbation "cleans the plumbing" of males and significantly reduces prostate problems.
Those who deny themselves ejaculation, including "tantric" practicioners, have a much higher incidence of prostate disease. I'll bet females who masturbate often enjoy quantifiable physical and mental benefits as well. An orgasm (or three) a day may indeed keep the doctor (and shrink, and cops) away.
just out of curiosity ... didn't we have another post recently where people were discussing how people don't mentally mature until they're around 25? You'd think that eventually people would realize they're swapping argument sides and defending what they were fighting against then.
I don't think you have to be mentally mature to masturbate and waiting until 25 to have sex seems pretty ridiculous.
I don't think you have to be mentally mature to masturbate and waiting until 25 to have sex seems pretty ridiculous.

If you can't 'understand' that taking a life is wrong until you're 18 to 25, you sure as hell (IMO) shouldn't be putting yourself in a position to make a life at that age either.
If you can't 'understand' that taking a life is wrong until you're 18 to 25

Except that's not true.

Do you propose we outlaw people from having sex or having kids until they're 25?
How about punishing people for procreation? If you want to reproduce, you have to pass certain tests to prove that you are mentally, emotionally and economically prepared to be a good parent. Earn a license to have a kid or two. Seems only rational, with our population bomb. In a way, people who are breeders are supporting terrorism. Have a kid without getting a license first? Sorry- that child becomes Soylent Green, as do both parents. It can be easily done with our DNA testing and computers. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Except that's not true.

Do you propose we outlaw people from having sex or having kids until they're 25?

*sigh* are you deliberately being obtuse, or can you really not follow this conversation? Spike, please go talk to someone else for a while. I'm done trying to explain colour to a blind man.
So then, rape is okay?
Where did you get that?
"Mr Slack believes that if teenagers are fully informed about sex and are making their decisions of their own will in a loving relationship, they have an equal right as an adult to an enjoyable sex life."

I don't think rape falls into the description of "loving relationship". 0_o Do you?
wait, who has got a great ass, and where are the pics?

yeah great thread title. i haven't made a mini milkshake for about, hmmm... 22 hours, so if y'all would excuse me, i'm gonna go nut one out.
From the story

Personally, I wouldn't find rape particularly enjoyable but hey, she does have a great ass.
But that's not what it says... read on...
"Mr Slack believes that if teenagers are fully informed about sex and are making their decisions of their own will in a loving relationship, they have an equal right as an adult to an enjoyable sex life."
"In a loving relationship" does not mean "rape". Eeew. Please!

I don't agree with what this guy says but what your saying has nothing to do with what was printed in the article. I'm surprised you said it!
OMG, next thing you know dogs will marry cats and the dead will rise and zombies will rule the Earth!


Zombies??? Zombies??? Please tell me you were just kidding about the zombies! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!