And so it begins...


New Member
Well, it happened. I had my first pregnancy related hormonal breakdown today. It was the smallest and stupidest thing that set me off and I didn't want to make Erik feel bad so I went to take a shower and cry. While in the shower this tiny little thing that I would have shrugged my shoulders at normally turned into the biggest deal. I started thinking about everything else that made me sad. To make matters worse, the hot and cold water were sick of my crying I guess cause the water kept burning me than freezing me. This just made me angry that "I couldn't even take a frickin shower" which made me cry even more. I got out of the shower, still a total mess and Erik could tell that I was upset. I didn't share all the details as I didn't want him to feel bad about me being upset as he had NOTHING to do with it. He knew I was upset and agreed to take me to the library to get some books. Sometimes a simple change of scenery and a distraction can make a world of difference in the "I'm upset for no damn good reason" world of pregnant women. I got some books and came home and spent a quiet night reading while Erik played his online games. It made me feel better.
* know what? those incidents don't stop after pregnancy, they just come fewer and farther in between.
I've been through it once and they calmed down and when I got divorced they dissapeared. Hopefully after the baby is born and my hormones return to semi-normal, so will I. :D
Sounds to me like Erik is a real keeper. Do you talk to him about this stuff? It helps you know.
I talk to him about everything. I just didn't want to rant and rave at him for no reason since it had nothing to do with him. I told him that I was upset for no reason and didn't want to get upset with him, but I did tell him about why I got upset in the first place. Of course I waited a few hours until I was able to laugh at it since i knew he would chuckle. :D