Animal wackiness, Part 1

*one dog to another* Wanna go get a beer after work?
*other dog* Naw, I'm gonna get some pigeon au vin
Most stayed in the "de-tox" centre for a couple of days before being returned to the spot where they were found.

"This is important because they have partners and families," Mrs Webb said.

Oh for the love of Thunderbird...what's next, a support group?
That's pretty common in times of drought. Birds can only drink fresh water and in the summer if they don't have a freshwater stream, birdbaths, or puddles on the road to drink from, they look for other sources. Like berries.

I have some kind of berry bush next to the house and it's been picked clean in the last week or so. But I also have a birdbath that I keep in the shade, and filled with water. The birds are in it constantly.