Another Cut and Run Vote


Well-Known Member
No bad news out of Iraq has been bad news for the Dems.

Now they again rear their ugly heads in a futile effort to find enough votes to force a withdraw from Iraq.


WASHINGTON Nov 8, 11:38 AM EST(AP) -- Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House will vote as early as Friday on legislation that would spend $50 billion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but require that President Bush start bringing troops home.

yep pelosi et al are just as dumb as the 12 years old(s) at the helm.

at least it gives us plenty of pep rally fodder.

TONY BLAIR privately conceded two weeks before the Iraq war that Saddam Hussein did not have any usable weapons of mass destruction, Robin Cook, the former foreign secretary, reveals today.

By David Cracknell, Political Editor

11/05/07 The Times -- -- John Scarlett, chairman of the joint intelligence committee (JIC), also "assented" that Saddam had no such weapons, says Cook.

His revelations, taken from a diary that he kept as a senior minister during the months leading up to war, are published today in The Sunday Times. They shatter the case for war put forward by the government that Iraq presented "a real and present danger" to Britain.

Cook, who resigned shortly before the invasion of Iraq, also reveals there was a near mutiny in the cabinet, triggered by David Blunkett, the home secretary, when it first discussed military action against Iraq.

The prime minister ignored the "large number of ministers who spoke up against the war", according to Cook. He also "deliberately crafted a suggestive phrasing" to mislead the public into thinking there was a link between Iraq and Al-Qaeda, and he did not want United Nations weapons inspections to be successful, writes the former cabinet minister.



So the ploy works! You fell for it!

So explain to me why we should of "taken the Iraqi's word on it" . UN inspectors kicked out. Kept from "free access" as agreed.

"I got no WMD's" meanwhlie, back in the lair . . . he shuffles them around, hides them, sends them to Iran, Syria.

Knowing the trouble is comming, why not take advantage and use the moment to look innocent to the international community** (read: gulable liberals), when in fact, you're not.

Yeah, Saddam was no threat to anyone, he was a real swell fella'. . .

June 23, 2006

WASHINGTON - The discovery of more than 500 chemical weapons shells in Iraq has heightened concerns at the Pentagon that terrorists in that country could use the old munitions against American soldiers.


But that doesn't count does it?

How about this . .

Does that count as having WMD's or didn't that happen either?

If someone is murderer, you don't "let it go" just because he says "I'm not armed at the moment"

You don't take chances and hope for the best, you insist on absoulute verification and compliance. The proof of compliance falls on you once freely use WMD's as he did on on a dozen occasions.

You really belive Saddam was trust worthy? That is simply foolish.

WASHINGTON - The discovery of more than 500 EMPTY(!)chemical weapons shells in Iraq has heightened concerns at the Pentagon that terrorists in that country could use the old munitions against American soldiers.

i'm as worried about those as i am about iran's inventory of F14s and cobra attack helicopters.
Does the Pelosi clan really think that during a month when:

Chuckie Gibson said:
The news is [pause for effect] that there is no news. The police told us today that, to their knowledge, there were no major acts of violence. Attacks are down in Baghdad and today no bombings or roadside explosions were reported.

they can round up enough votes to force a withdrawl from Iraq? After all, they couldn't do it before the surge.
I did not know they wanted the US to lose the war on terrorism. I thought they felt the war in Iraq was unjustified and that there are those who are on the right or moderates who agree and feel it can be fought in a more efficient manner. So glad it got cleared up

Yup, yooz'z fellers's's right, never was any threat by Saddam, there's not any terrorist in the US. Iran is only making peaceful centerfuges for their people. ChiCom will make all our childrens toys and Jewish-Burkas will be all the rage. I guess I've been paranoid, scared by that scary ol Dubya.

Liberals are wise and will save the planet from the dangers of global warming and usher in a world where the Smelt and Phytoplasms can live free of the dangerous vast right wing conspiracy.

I'm changing my ways, vote Hillary 2008, 2012 and support her as Supreme Chancellor of CanAmMexHonGuatamallistan from then on.


Gee, its simply liberating, I feel safer already. :grinyes:
you're blathering again.


Nope notta' I'm now with ya' there aint nuttin' to worry about 'cept decimating the US military complex and giving it to the UN. Somalia was such a success for the Cut and Run I just don't know why I ever belived otherwise.

I'm no longer afraid of being killed while I go Christm . . . 'er Holiday shopping. All that Iraqi Oil we took oughtta make it cheap for me to get my family to those safe Los Angeles Malls.

...I'm lovin' it.


I'm a little worried thoo . . . I hope the gov't doesnt arrest me before the Holidays, I accidentally said "Bomb" and "Embassy" on the phone yesterday. That ofcourse would lead them straight to my nekkid pics of 9y/o boys from the phillipines. *shivers at the thought of being waterboarded*

Yeah everyones been getting arrested, not for being perverts, but because Bush is invading their privacy with out warrents . . . people have been arrested for no reason at all, something like 5,000, on my block . Fucking Republican Nazi brown-shirts. Hillary will certainly put an end to the misuse of gov't intel.

I should start using an anonymizer on the internet, you know for email and stuff, like posting here. I'm not paranoid, just I feel safer that way.

Gosh Its nice NOT to be worried about the Silly stuff and more focused on truly important things that matter. I've decided I'm going re-duct my Air Conditioner to blow back outside and help fight Global warminmg ...BRB
