Another example of the religion of peace at work


Well-Known Member
It looks like Nazism is alive and well in Germany but this time it isn't the Aryans.

It would have been nice if the dance troop had pork chops to throw back at them.


Youths attack Jewish dance group in Germany

By KIRSTEN GRIESHABER, Associated Press Writer Kirsten Grieshaber, Associated Press Writer – Thu Jun 24, 11:22 am ET

BERLIN – Arab youths threw stones at a Jewish dance group during a street festival in Hannover, injuring one dancer and forcing the group to cancel its performance, German police and dance officials said Thursday.

The teenagers also used a megaphone to shout anti-Semitic slurs during the attack Saturday, Hannover police spokesman Thorsten Schiewe said.

"I don't remember such a dramatic attack in Germany in recent times," said Michael Fuerst, the head of the Jewish community of the state of Lower Saxony.

Six suspects have been identified — five Arabic immigrants and one German — and police are looking for the other three, police said. The six range from nine to 19 years old and have been questioned by police.

Hannover prosecutors are investigating those involved on suspicion of incitement and causing serious bodily harm, prosecutor Irene Silinger said.

Stephan Kramer of the Central Council of Jews in Germany condemned the attack.

"This latest incident shows something we have not experienced before: A growing radicalization of young Muslims, which affects not only the Jewish community but the entire German community," Kramer told The Associated Press.

The Central Council of Muslims in Germany could not immediately be reached for comment.

Alla Volodarska of the Progressive Jewish community of Hannover dance group said its members were still in shock.

"What happened is just so awful," Volodarska told the AP. "The teenagers started throwing stones the moment our dance group was announced, even before they started dancing."

Volodarska did not attend the event but talked to several members of the eight-person dance group. She said one female dancer was injured in the leg by the stones.

"There were many kids throwing stones, many of them, but we don't know the exact number," she said, adding that the group had often performed Israeli dances at festivals and never experienced this kind of hostility before.

The festival took place in Sahlkamp, an immigrant neighborhood in Hannover.

Fuerst blamed city festival organizers for not calling the police right away.

"The organizers tried to de-escalate the situation themselves instead of calling the police. That's just plain stupid," Fuerst said, adding he was meeting Friday with the interior minister of Lower Saxony about the incident.

The Association of Jewish University Students in Germany said Thursday the number of anti-Semitic slurs and death threats against Jews in Germany had increased in recent weeks due to the May 31 Israeli commando raid on a Gaza aid flotilla that left nine activists dead.

Kramer agreed and noted that online threats especially had risen.

"The threats are mostly sent by e-mail or posted online on social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace," Kramer said.
Oh stop it. All they have to do is institute Sharia law & there will be no problem
let's judge christians just as harshly for all the lynchings done by the KKK.

let's do a grand historical survey of the various massacres that took place in the colonial period - onward christian soldiers.

and let's not forget that hitler was catholic.
let's judge christians just as harshly for all the lynchings done by the KKK.

I've yet to see Christians dance in the streets over anothers death. I ahve heard them, by droves, denouce the klan and murderers of abortion doctors.
I've yet to see Christians dance in the streets over anothers death. I ahve heard them, by droves, denouce the klan and murderers of abortion doctors.

i'm sure them klan fuckers did some partyin' post-lynching.

you do not hear the legions of muslims who denounce various acts of terrorism?

you ever talk to muslims about this shit?

no, you don't.

keep following newsmax, dude. it's the right flavor fer ye.
Mohammad condones killing in the Koran unlike Jesus. Muslims are not acting contrary to their founder if they do kill any infidels.

Islam does not mean "peace", but submission.
you ever talk to muslims about this shit?

The answers I've been given have been, in one form or another

"Of course I think it's horrible & should be stopped BUT...."

Either it should be stopped or it should not be stopped. No modifier is necessary.
"the religion of peace at work" Bullshit!

That Minks is actually a closeted exalted Cyclops.
Mohammad condones killing in the Koran unlike Jesus. Muslims are not acting contrary to their founder if they do kill any infidels.

Islam does not mean "peace", but submission.

only in your 'edited later for the convenince of the church' version of the story when they decided to make jesus into a pussy instead of the guy that trashed the temple and wanted to fuck the romans up.

there's a lot of killing in the bible, buddy. and god acts like an angry adolescent too. kinda like that ahmadinejad when he gets a bee in his bonnet.

nah nah i'm full of shit - it's us against them! it's motherfucking RAHOWA!!!!

only in your 'edited later for the convenince of the church' version of the story when they decided to make jesus into a pussy instead of the guy that trashed the temple and wanted to fuck the romans up.

there's a lot of killing in the bible, buddy. and god acts like an angry adolescent too. kinda like that ahmadinejad when he gets a bee in his bonnet.

nah nah i'm full of shit - it's us against them! it's motherfucking RAHOWA!!!!


Jesus chased out the money changers who sought to make profits in the temple. "And to them that sold doves, he said, Take away these things hence, and make not the house of my father, a house of merchandise." (John 2:16)

Oh, and can you show me where Jesus wanted to fight the Romans? He certainly was no pacifist, however, he discouraged the use of unnecessary force.

On a further note, God is the author of life and can take life as he sees fit. Jesus never commanded his followers to go out and kill people unlike Mohammad.
The way I see it, one needs to look at the differences in the doctrines, not
the people that call themselves (insert religious belief here).

Of coarse I personally think all doctrines but the Old KJV are flawed, and
some like the Koran are down right dangerous.

I don't have a problem with muslims, unless they are bent on killing me,
or taking my freedoms.