Southern Discomfort
Robert E. Lee High School in Baton Rouge, La. is retiring its Colonel Rebel mascot this year because the bearded gentleman is just a little too Southern for some folks’ taste, according to the Baton Rouge Advocate.
The mascot’s racist connotations were described as “divisive,” so henceforth the school teams will be known as the Patriots.
The Rebel logo usually includes an icon commonly known as Colonel Rebel, a man dressed in an old-fashioned tail coat with a cravat and a Panama hat. The image is supposed to evoke a gentleman of the Old South.
Now we all know that it is just unthinkable to try and conceive of anything being TOO Southern, right? It's like saying something is TOO right, or TOO perfect.
Seriously, I fail to see the big deal here. Since when does a mustachioed septegenarian in a suit and hat instill fear in anyone?
And c'mon...the Robert E. Lee PATRIOTS??!! That holds water. Lee was a very patriotic man, was in fact offered command of the Union army and declined due to personal conviction. He was a highly decorated soldier and one of the greatest military minds this country will ever know. But in a real everyday context, the REL Patriots just don't have that ring to it.
Thankfully, our 12.19 year old will attend high school (eventually...) at a fine public school near here. They have a wonderful academic record, and at least one statewide athletic powerhouse, girl's basketball. The team name? The Rebels.
As it should be.
The mascot’s racist connotations were described as “divisive,” so henceforth the school teams will be known as the Patriots.
The Rebel logo usually includes an icon commonly known as Colonel Rebel, a man dressed in an old-fashioned tail coat with a cravat and a Panama hat. The image is supposed to evoke a gentleman of the Old South.
Now we all know that it is just unthinkable to try and conceive of anything being TOO Southern, right? It's like saying something is TOO right, or TOO perfect.

Seriously, I fail to see the big deal here. Since when does a mustachioed septegenarian in a suit and hat instill fear in anyone?
And c'mon...the Robert E. Lee PATRIOTS??!! That holds water. Lee was a very patriotic man, was in fact offered command of the Union army and declined due to personal conviction. He was a highly decorated soldier and one of the greatest military minds this country will ever know. But in a real everyday context, the REL Patriots just don't have that ring to it.
Thankfully, our 12.19 year old will attend high school (eventually...) at a fine public school near here. They have a wonderful academic record, and at least one statewide athletic powerhouse, girl's basketball. The team name? The Rebels.
As it should be.