Another puter snafu


New Member
The girls computer was set up with an administrator login and their login. Rob was doing alot of admin type stuff and was using the admin login. I didn't know that he hadn't swapped back over and I proceded to DL windows media player and rip a bunch of their CD's onto it. So of course when we realized that we were on the admin logon we realized that the work I had done was attached to it. How, if possible, can I transfer the media player and it's contents over?
Copy the music files from C:\Documents and settings\Administrator\My Documents (if that's wehere they are) to C:\Documents and Settings\their user name\My Documents.

Then log back in as them. WMP should still be available, but if not d/l it again. The files should be available.
Tonks, have you noticed, almost every time you say "I have a problem" starts with "Well, Rob was logged in"
Gonz said:
Tonks, have you noticed, almost every time you say "I have a problem" starts with "Well, Rob was logged in"
LOL! But if that's the worst of my problems I'm doing pretty good! Poor baby does have a black cloud over his head when it comes to things like this.
rubber gloves Unc. They even come in non-allegenic varieties now :D
I'm certain your very own personal home network
technician is well compensated!

How much is free Tech support worth these days, HL?
It hasn't locked up on me yet but we were shopping all day. The net is slow but I think that's weather related.