another reason to avoid islam


Beit Shemesh’s growing ultra-Orthodox population has erected street signs calling for the separation of sexes on the sidewalks, dispatched “modesty patrols” to enforce a chaste female appearance and hurled stones at offenders and outsiders. Walls of the neighborhood are plastered with signs exhorting women to dress modestly in closed-necked, long-sleeved blouses and long skirts.
Did you have a point in posting this story other than pointing to bad
behavior to try and draw attention from other bad behavior?
right cato. this is misdirection. i am drawing your mind away from all of those conclusions you've already reached in a vacuum, putting subtle subconscious hints in my posts to pull you away from the path of ig'nant righteousness. in other words...

there are boneheads all over, muslim and otherwise. personally my favorite is still america's premier child rapist. gotta be patriotic and all.

Ah, thanks for the confirmation.

I guess you aren't to good at understanding percentage equation.
yah i'm not to (sic) good at understanding percentage equation. (also, try using articles more often... you sound like an asian dude with minimal training trying to use english.)

what percentage equation(s)? the ones that show that christians are vastly more effective killing machines than muslims?

example #1:

you know, i would post more examples, but, apparently that isn't the way things work around here. my one example has obviously been proven an ironclad law of nature.