Another reason to love the pomegranate.


New Member
Rob went to Publix whilst us wimminz were getting our haircuts and while he was there he did the whole impulse buy thing on a bottle of Armenian pomegranate wine. So now I am baking muffins for the PTA teachers luncheon and getting lit on a lovely new wine while Rob braves the heat to grill our dinner.
Nice evening.
Odwalla makes nice pomegranite juice! (Being as I don't drink or drug anymore I had to givee it a shout)
I have issues with Odwalla pomegranate juice. I like (or I should say my digestive tract likes) the more strained refined version that Trader Joe's does.

I wonder if I'll have digestive issues with this wine...pfft...who cares?
Well, the muffins came out very good. Kinda a fluffy spongy banana bread with a nice sweet cheesy icing. I slightly disagree with Giada Delaurentiis' idea of easy but they weren't hard to make. Hope the teachers like them. The family seems to.
Well then perhaps I see the source of your distress :confuse3:

She kinda creeps me out. I am of the never trust a skinny cook school...but maybe she has one of those crazy metabolisms like Leslie is blessed with.