Another Smith...

A carjacker .... with a pillow??? Wow, even my kids could have come up with better than that.
Why not let her run with other inmates who know (through word or otherwise) what she did? Save the tax payers but she gets justice done to her

Because certain actions constitute a forfeiture of your right to continue consuming oxygen and occupying space on my planet. She showed no mercy to her own child. That cannot be changed now. Killing her sorry ass won't bring the child back, but it'll damn sure make it to where she can't kill another one. It might give the next whacked out excuse for a mother (or father) something to think about before they do this to their kid/s. Andrea Yates is still sucking resources away from people who need assistance for legitimate reasons, to what beneficial end?

Off with her head. Or hand me the axe, bring me a Dr. Pepper, and get out of the way while I do it. Adios bitch, hope Hell's warm enough for ya.
I think he was trying to say the inmates would give her the death penalty, and do so much more quickly, for far less expense, and with no picket line outside the door.
The only major sicko that got whacked in prison is Daumer, to my recollection.