Another Valentine's Day Rant


New Member
St. Valentine was a pedophile and a murderer. So they beheaded him. Let's celebrate...

valentine's day was celebrated long before it was called valentines was a pagan "holiday" that people thought was groovy so the church decided to rename it...picked a saint that help people get hitched on the sly...viola....did you really think it was about the saint?
tonks said:
valentine's day was celebrated long before it was called valentines was a pagan "holiday" that people thought was groovy so the church decided to rename it...picked a saint that help people get hitched on the sly...viola....did you really think it was about the saint?

I don't know. Hahaha. I justr hate the holiday.; Wait, not holiday. Fucking day. I hate today. Blah hate.
They didn't create it, but they certainly took the ball and ran with it.

But I pulled one over on the man. The card I got for Laurie was from Carlton Cards. :D
Its a pathetic day of appreciating love when technically lovers should be doing that everyday. Over commercialized holiday that has lost all meaning and has been puked upon by red colored filth imported from China.

It follows the line of sacred day destruction..right after Christmas and every other holiday.

Halloween is the only holiday that makes me smile.....the darkness of it all is sensual and erotic and the simple chill of the change in weather adds to the icing, not to mention the oppertunity to wear a visage of any kind.

No pathetic gestures stemming from formailty....just simple hedonistic delight. Halloween rules.
I dunno....if I were beheaded, I think it'd be cool to have a holiday dedicated to me. Ironic and great.
im with BCD on this one tho i like the romance this day is supposed to be for Id rather be romantic wiht the gf/wife more than one day and not be complacent everyday.