Another victim of the vote


molṑn labé
Staff member
Keith Olbermann, MSNBC's primetime firebrand host, has been suspended indefinitely for violating the ethics policies of his employer earlier this year when he donated to three Democrats seeking federal office, MSNBC announced Friday.

"I became aware of Keith's political contributions late last night. Mindful of NBC News policy and standards, I have suspended him indefinitely without pay," MSNBC President Phil Griffin said in a statement.


That place

I'm going to miss Mr. Olbermann, sir.

MSNBC has professional ethics. Who knew?
I think the left is just suffering from a lack of signal.

We need Oldbutthurtmann out there to get the word out and help to move the party father left.


RNC National Office
I dislike Mr. Olbermann but I dislike this policy even more. There should be no restraint on any American by anyone on who they can support, monetarily or otherwise, by anyone else including corporations.
If they agree to a contract with this clause in it, it's their problem. If it's a standard policy of the network for all employees, then it's wrong.
yep, if they agreed to it in the contract... but at some point one has to wonder why msnbc even bothered to put such a thing in the contract - it's not like their viewpoint and slant is anything other than obvious.
One should not have to give up basic rights to find employment. That clause should never have been in the contract in the first place and, if I were to have such a thing placed in a contract I was signing, I would line it out, initial the modification, and submit it in the modified form.

This type of clause in any contract is un-American and anti-liberty.

Holy Crap! I never envisioned in even my wildest nightmares that I would actually be defending Keith Olbermann!
As for un-American, hardly. Look at our history. anti-Liberty, absolutely. Morals clauses abound.

Freely signed? I presume so. A gaggle of lawyers got paid to look it over before he freely signed it? I presume that also.

I'm not disagreeing with you Jim. I'm saying Olberman knew what his contract said & he signed it. He was not coerced or threatened to allow that clause. Personal responsibility (his) & private property rights (NBC's).
I know that he signed it willingly, and likely after a high priced lawyer read it over. I have a problem with that type of clause in any contract.

Hell, these days you don't even need a contract for an employer to control your actions outside the workplace. An employer saw his employee smoking in her own car on her own time and he was successful at firing her.

People smoking in their own home have been attacked for doing so even though there is no clause in any rental/lease contract to the contrary.
The nanny state prevails. Until people stand up & say they will not sign a contract, it'll remain so. The smoking thing is just another step down that road. Same with sugars & salts & fats & etc.

Either we demand liberty & accept nothing less or we lose it. I've demanded mine (some losses, some wins)
"What did you give us Mr Franklin?"

"A Republic, ma'am, if you can keep it"
Doesn't he know that's foolish talk?

Is there a reason, we lament, why we must endure movies about sniveling Ratso Rizzos instead of dashing Rhett Butlers and plucky Gunga Dins? Why miasma and moroseness now dominate the social stream instead of the spirit of magnanimity and unbridled optimism of our ancestors? Why sweet drug poisons such as "crack" and "Methamphetamine" invade the lives of callow youths in ghetto and country club alike? Why middle class Americans (who once worshiped self-reliance) now shamefully demand more and more entitlement handouts from government? Why our elected leaders in Washington have become despicable quislings slithering around in Machiavellian muck? Why family life and marriage, the very founts of civilization, are treated so shabbily by psycho-babble experts? Why androgyny is so zealously promoted by liberals on every other television show and homosexuality is pawned off as a "Marlboro Cowboy life style?" Why tradition and honor are scorned by professorial elites pontificating endlessly about how America's original moral principles were repressive?

There is indeed a reason why this tragic disintegration of American life's value has swept over the country this past century. It is called "Cultural Marxism." It is not the only reason why our culture is collapsing into decadence, but it is perhaps the most important reason.

MSNBC Ends Keith Olbermann's Suspension Tuesday

Published November 07, 2010 | Associated Press

NEW YORK -- MSNBC says Keith Olbermann will be back on the air Tuesday, ending his suspension for violating NBC's rules against making political donations.

MSNBC's chief executive Phil Griffin said late Sunday that after several days of deliberation, he had determined that two days off the air was "an appropriate punishment for his violation of our policy."

The left-leaning cable network's most popular personality acknowledged donating $2,400 apiece to the campaigns of Kentucky Senate candidate Jack Conway and Arizona Reps. Raul Grijalva and Gabrielle Giffords. NBC News prohibits its employees from making political donations unless an exception is granted in advance by the network news president. In this case, Olbermann's bosses didn't know about them until being informed by a reporter.
Over the course of my life.
I've witnessed it with my own eyes.

You've gotta hand it to them
cultural marxism has been a success.

People of my generation will never admit defeat
simply fade away from old age, till there's no one left
that even recalls how it really was.