Another with no clue


molṑn labé
Staff member
Some people just need killin' & this guy is one.

WASHINGTON – A radical animal rights activist shocked members of the U.S. Senate this week by advocating the murder of those conducting medical research.

Jerry Vlasak, spokesman for the Animal Liberation Front, told the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works that killing medical researchers was "morally justified" to save laboratory animals.

Vlasak compared the life of lab animals to African American slaves and the Jewish victims of Nazi concentration camps.


Wait... didnt' he have a thing for cats? Somebody should report him to ALF. :tardbang:
People say stupid things all the time. What's the point of giving attention to it?

Before anyone starts crying, I've carried out research on animals and animal tissues. I just don't see how this is news.
bobby, see thats the thing. It doesnt really matter if you see it as news. Its called a forum, people post, other people post. If you dont like the topic, or even the poster then dont read it. But quit your whining. It is growing very tiresome. You have chosen a few members to follow around in their post and try and pick them apart.
might i suggest a good read, Dale Carnegie "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
Guess what? I existed as a human being for quite a few years before I ever came to this forum: I formed a personality, opinions, had experiences etc. without having any contact with this forum.

Now that I come here, I post as I am. No one else here defines the way I post, I do. If you're too small-minded to seperate the idea that I can criticise your views and not use it as a personal attack, that is your problem.
Bobby Hogg said:
People say stupid things all the time. What's the point of giving attention to it?

Before anyone starts crying, I've carried out research on animals and animal tissues. I just don't see how this is news.
People that say stupid shit with no power to back it up are one thing... but someone with rank in an organization, policing agency, or government is something else entirely. News cameras roll and cameras flash giving the oaf 100 times the attention that they really deserve. Thats the point of it.
samcurry said:
bobby, see thats the thing. It doesnt really matter if you see it as news. Its called a forum, people post, other people post. If you dont like the topic, or even the poster then dont read it. But quit your whining.
Who the heck is whining? All I saw was someone stating an opinion.


As for Mr Vlasak, that was a fricking idiotic statement. Let's put him on an island with the folks who consider killing abortion doctors is "morally justified". Heck, let's send anyone who thinks killing people for whatever reason (othet than self-defense) is "morally justified" there.
Starya said:
Heck, let's send anyone who thinks killing people for whatever reason (othet than self-defense) is "morally justified" there.

But some people just need killin' :lol2:
there is a vast difference between stating your opinion and willingness to atleast hear others., and just plain telling them their morons because you dont agree with them.

And starya have you read any of his other post? I know you have cause youve posted in them. There is a saying that you draw more flys with honey. that he should try once in a while.

"No one else here defines the way I post, I do." And actually when you signed up you agreed to an AUP you might want to read it.
When have I done any of that?

And I posted that comment in regards to you suggesting I post my replies in a personal attack against other people. Why should I agree with them? I don't, so why shouldn't I say so?

Maybe YOU should try reading my posts, it's other people who have gotten their knickers in a twist over my disagreeing with them. I get the feeling they've been complaining about it somewhere and now you are throwing your oar in.
Sam? I have to agree with Starya - the only time I've really seen a negatively-slanted reaction from his posts is after being baited several times by some of the establishmed members here. :shrug: I believe that Leslie was a bit puzzled by it as well. :shrug:

And since it is a forum, and since he hasn't broken any AUP rules with his posting style, I don't see why it is a problem that he stated his opinion on this particular piece. It is his right as a forum poster. In any case, I agreed with his point. :shrug: Which wasn't whining, btw.
samcurry said:
there is a vast difference between stating your opinion and willingness to atleast hear others., and just plain telling them their morons because you dont agree with them.

Hmm, umm, hmm.

BTW, basic philosophy of life (regardless of who I'm talking to at any given moment): Everyone is a moron except for you and I, and I'm really not that sure about you. :brush: