Antietam and Gettysburg.


New Member
I suppose it was about time I typed all this up. And lucky you! I posted it just for yah to read ;)

Antietam was Friday, and boy was it hot. My mom and I decided to tough it out and walk around a little. The highlights of my day were the Dunker church, the cornfield, Mumma cemetery, the Sunken Road, and the Burnside Bridge. So, basically, the whole thing. Just a few spots I was excited to see, but not as excited as the other places. I'd have to say, though, that the Sunken Road was my absolute favorite. Maybe it's because of Jackson...but that's just a shot in the dark. At the bridge, it was uphill all the way back to the car, and that was brutal. I know I'm not too fond of the Yankees, but I have to give it to them for getting up that hill, heh. It was a pretty good day, and I'm glad I got to see it.

I went to Gettysburg on Saturday, and we got there as the gates opened. It was nice and cool, and there still weren't a lot of spectators, only re-enactors. My first order of business was to buy a hoop skirt. I got one that was a little bigger than I had wanted, but cheaper. We walked around Sutler's Row, which of course was a lot smaller than it was last year, but still nice. At about 10 we went to a medical demonstration, which...wasn't what we thought it was going to be. The woman speaking got annoying very fast. So at 10:30 we headed to the battlefield.

The part we caught was Barlow's Retreat. I enjoyed the battle ten times more than I did last year. The rebel cannon created three perfect smoke rings, which was pretty amazing. The volleys were better synchronized, and from what I could tell, almost every gun fired. It started with a huge line of Federal infantry on the right, with a line of skirmishers in nearby trees, and the cavalry out front, naturally. Rebel cavalry came out to meet them, and shots were fired. The Union tried to flank Confederate cavalry, but were unsuccessful. A little while later, the rebel yell could be heard from the left. Roughly 6 regiments of rebel infantry were on the hillside. Their artillery began to fire, and the Union marched forward. Cavalry retreated, and the rebel lines moved forward, the regiments splitting up and attacking Yankee lines in several places. Then the volleys picked up, and in the distance a rebel reserve regiment led by cavalry flanked the Union's right. All in all, obviously, the north took off running! I made sure we got plenty of pictures of Yanks on the double quick!

After the battle we had lunch, and I got pictures with a surgeon and soldier of the 22nd North Carolina. Also, a member of the Irish Brigade, in a kilt! Mom thinks my dress covered the kilt, though.

No one asked for a picture with me, which was quite alright. I did get many comments from people, especially spectators, about how my dress looked. Many of them were women, but a few male sutlers commented as well, asking if I bought it there or made it. Also, unfortunately, I got hit on by two Yankees. I was respectful, but I believe they got the hint that only rebs suit my fancy!

I bought my mom a skirt made of the same pattern as my dress, but a different color. For Christmas I'm ordering her a Gibraldi blouse. I forced her into letting me get her a hoop skirt, but she absolutely refused the corset. She also bought a dress, so now we both have our own dresses and we're sharing the skirt as an alternate. Now I have a buddy to dress up with me!

Next year, we're leaving Friday morning and staying overnight, leaving Saturday afternoon. It's going to be awesome! The film is in, so when it gets developed I'll be sure to scan some pictures through of both Antietam and Gettysburg.
How hot was it? :D

Seriously, it was over 140 F here yesterday at around 11:00 AM. I went into my tent, and the A/C had it down to about 110, and I actually felt cold for a few seconds. :eek5:
Gato_Solo said:
Looks similar to the pic on this page. Double walled, and with a huge compressor to help keep it least until some idiot leaves the door ajar, and those 50 knot winds come right inside... :grumpy:

hmmmmm interesting *scratches chin*

Car (the next step from the ones who beep at you): "Your door is ajar"
Man: "WTF? My door is a jar?! A jar of what?"
Car: "Your door is ajar"
Man: "My door is a DOOR!"
Car: "Your door is ajar"
Man: "My god damn door is not a mother fucking jar! You piece of shit..."

This story ends in the car no longer having a door :D