

Staff member
Great big juicy Carpenter ones. They suck.

I've laid down a Borax/Sugar/Water solution just tonight (what many ant baits are made of), and they're going at it as if it were popsicles. Is it gonna work? How long? Is there something better anyone's used that REALLY worked that won't kill me/Paul/the children/the cat/the small animals/cost me an arm and a leg?

i.e. not uber-toxic, something maybe I can make here, not PCO for $2500?


God help me :(
If you've got carpenter ants, I'd suggest you contact a carpenter as well. They can create havoc with a wooden framed house...:crap:
if I don't get rid of em we'll die when the house falls in on us :(

I can't find the nest, I believe it's under the foundation. They're moving around behind baseboards (we have the huge ones) and behind the kitchen cabinets, so I can't find their point of entry to repair that either. So I have to have something that's a 'they'll take it back and kill the nest' trap.

So far so good, last night there were over 50 at my little pool of death, and this morning there are 3.

There's a couple good ones at the site you gave Rob, I like the planting mint around thought.
I've found Seven dust works really well for ants, but don't know what it does to the dogs. I just kept Payton away from it.