Any artists in residence???


Well-Known Member
I need to know if someone can help me out with a little avatar assistance.

I need to add a hat and beard to my 'shroom for a special event at another site. I've got the hat and beard ... just not the talent or software to incorporate the two.
Oh, you wanted directions to the cottage? Best thing to do is to either head for Cornwall or Hawkesbury and I'll collect you there.

If you want to, there's Upper Canada Village on the way. Although whether you'd have the stamina for that after driving that distance is questionable.
Is cornwall that close to your cottage that you could come collect me?

What's upper canada village?
*points and laughs*

Cornwall's a couple of hours from the cottage. Hawkesbury's about an hour.

I mentionned Cornwall because I could arrange to take the family to Upper Canada as a day trip and manage to drop a navigator in your car all at the same time. That would take a little planning, since you'll be tired from the driving you've already done, and timing would be an issue, since we wouldn't want to leave too early. You'd be about 4 hours on the road at that point. They open at 9:30am. If you left TO at about 6am, you'd arrive about 10. Then after slogging around a historic theme park for the day, you'd still have several hours driving ahead of you on unfamiliar roads.
It's a little rough...I haven't worked with photoshop in quite awhile...Actually, I haven't even used a mouse on my computer in a while.