Anyone see the Micheal jackson interview last night...


Well-Known Member
I didn't but i saw a few excerpts. Something tells me in another twenty years he'll be saving his shit in jars and stocking them in a room in his home.
(I forget which billionaire that was)
isn't he already? NO I didn't see it & had no intention of watching that pedophile with a Peter Pan syndrome. He's too demented for even me.
no i didnt. i really dont want to either since well hes a pedophile. hes also insane. anyone remember him dangling his kid off the balcony?? god that mustve been traumatising for the baby. and also i wory about what else the kid is going thru. sorrybut i really dont like him.
I was making some supper when my roommate turned the TV on and we saw him there on BBC. I stopped short and was amazed at what I heard. Now I'm all for sleeping with a friend in a non-sexual way, but a man that is 44 sleeping with a boy or girl that is under 10... that just don't sit well with me. It really doesn't.
I switched over to it during commercials and watched for a bit. It really was kinda fascinating.

I saw him spend about 3-6 million dollars in about 15 minutes in one store.
I missed it and I'm proud. However, I do have a comment about this..

freako104 said:
god that mustve been traumatising for the baby

Although it looked pretty damn bad to us, the kid probably loved it.
Gonz said:
flavio said:
It really was kinda fascinating.

Like a train wreck?:rofl2:

Exactly like a train wreck. He's one bizarre guy. :D

I don't know even know what to think about him. After hearing about the incredible physical abuse he suffered at the hands of his father and then going into an incredible child career that turned into an adult career the likes of which hadn't been seen before it's really confusing to try and take a stance on the guy.
I saw them make fun of it a few minutes ago on the show where they make fun of stuff...
See, I don't think that's quite fair either, of course they will, but so will the majority of any kids that grow up in a millionaire household.

Oh nevermind, I think the guys a fruit too, but I guess I just hope his kids can see past his fruitiness and become some kind of contribution to society.
flavio said:
child career that turned into an adult career

The key word is adult. If he was this idiotic at 25 I'd be willing to let it slip. He's 44(?) & sleeps with little boys. That ain't cool. Grow up, get over it, move on.
The kids are being raised in an atmosphere of a nightmare plastic surgeons redition of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. They have like 20 handlers and caretakers that are a bizarre concoction of bodyguards and wet nurses. They are being raised in a highly insular universe with no concept of the real world. They are going to turn out absolutely loopy or self destructive.